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来源:网友投稿 时间:2022-05-24




 嗨,甜心 -嗨,爸爸 Hey, sweetie. Hey, Dad. 我去网吧了 I hit the Internet cafe. 猜我收到多少邮件? You know how many e-mails I had in my box? 83 份 Eighty-three. 噢 你相当受欢迎啊 Oh, you"re a popular guy. 那是 Very. 当然 其中 0 份是广♥告♥ Of course, 60 of "em were ads trying to get me to buy something. 莎拉 你把工具放地上的? Sarah, did you leave these tools on the ground? 也许吧 I might have. 装起来放屋里吧 Let"s get them in the bag and bring them in the house, please. 可别淋湿了 We don"t want it to rain on them. 哦 我看了你的博客 Oh, I checked your Facebook page. 那个谁又给你留言了 What"s-his-name wrote on your wall again. 哦 我真不该加你 God, I should never have added you. 嗯 他想 Yeah, he, um. 重归于好 Wants to get back together. 他当然想 Of course he does. 我的公主 他配不上你 I told you. Princess, he doesn"t deserve you. 你在这啊 There you are. 你也在这 - 我在 And there you are. Here I am. 嗯

 Mmm-hmm. 嘿 出了点问题 Hey, we have a problem. 我才出去了一小时 怎么了? I"ve barely been gone an hour. What now? 你会看到的 You"ll see. 嗯 必须去吗? - 是 Great. Do I have to? Yeah. 嘿 我在找你呢 你去镇上了? Hey, I was looking for you. Did you go into town? 我可不这么认为 Mmm-mmm. I didn"t think so. 你去哪了? - 出去了 Where were you? Outside. 在花♥园♥里努力干活呢 Working very hard on the garden. 哦 我们有花♥园♥? Hmm. We have a garden? 我刚头有点痛 I had a headache. 你以前不也常说头痛? Haven"t you heard that one before? 是真的!

 I did! 知道了 宝贝 I know, honey. 现在好些了吗? Are you all better now? 嗯 谢谢你皮特叔 Yes. Thank you, Uncle Peter. 嗯 棘手问题是什么? So, what is the big problem? 别急 别急 这边 All right, all right. This way. 为什么不直接说? Why can"t you just tell me about it? 不行 必须现场看 No, this is something you have to see. 给你看点线索 在这 I"ll give you a hint. It"s in here.

 有意思 Funny. 你怎么看? What do you think? 你期望从中发现什么? How are you supposed to tell anything from that? 你需要望远镜么 老哥? What, do you need binoculars, old man? 看仔细了 这 Just get your face up there. Look in there. 嗯 Okay. Oh. 真太...有必要么? That"s really... ls this necessary? 我凿了个洞!你认为... I made a hole! What are you... 你还记得你老爸么 我记得 Are you impressed with your dad? I"m impressed with your dad. 我的小弟呀 是个洞 Now that, little brother, is a hole. 干得漂亮 Nicely done. 看上去并不妙 That is not good. 嗯 的确 No, not good. 那是什么? - 只是个模型 What is it? Oh, it"s mold. 宝贝 你退后点 这有点糟糕 Honey, you know what, I want you to stand back. This is really bad. 别吸到灰尘 会很难受的 I don"t want you breathing it in. It can make you really sick. 光看着这洞我都难受 Just looking at it is making me sick. 这房♥子可能都受银响了 This whole house could be infected, for all we know. 是影响 不是银响 Affected, not infected. 影响 银想 管它的 Affected, infected, whatever. 如果你遮住了 没人会发现的

 Well, if you cover it up, who"ll ever know, right? 是呀 一分钟前只是个小洞 That"s true. Just a minute ago we had a tiny hole to deal with. 现在变成大洞了 Now we have a big hole. 放心吧 保险公♥司♥会弄的 Well, the insurance will cover it. 很明显的一个漏洞啊 It"s obviously part of the leak. 你记得带... Did you remember to bring the... 英雄所见略同 Ah, great minds think alike. 你打算怎么办? So what do you want to do? 问我♥干♥嘛?我们过几天就走 Why are you asking me? We"re out of here in a few days. 好啊 好 真聪明 Oh, okay. See here, this is where it gets tricky. 把所有问题都推给了我 You"re gonna dump this whole thing on me. 不过发生在你不在的时候 But it comes with the perk of you not being here. 所以啊 我怎么敢抱怨? So, dare I complain? 你能这么想最好 It"s what you do best. 好的 我会处理的 All right, I"ll deal with it. 待会别把其它烂差事推给我 Just don"t give me shit later when you find out how. 要是你一开始就对了 我当然不会 Well, if you do it right the first time, I won"t have to. 地下室你都检查了吗? Have you checked the wall all the way down to the basement? 我刚发现这里有问题 I just figured out that it got down here. 好吧 赶紧 Okay, come on. 把灯带下来 Bring the work light, please.

 玩得开心 Have fun. 皮特叔 不要!

 Uncle Peter, don"t do that! 不会吧 你小时候很喜欢呢 Come on. You used to love that when you were a little girl. 赶紧!

 Any day now! 来了!

 Coming! 萨拉 你过得怎么样? How are you, Sarah? 我很好 - 嗯? I"m okay. Yeah? 嗯 你怎么样? Yeah. How are you? 看看你 Look at you. 真想不到一下子长这么大了 I can"t get over how grown up you are. 你怎么还不下来? You gonna come down here or what? 别烦我!待会见 Bite me! See you later. 萨拉? - 嗯 Sarah? Yeah. 哇 真不敢相信你在这!

 Wow, I can"t believe you"re here! 你不记得我了吧? You don"t remember me, do you? 我糗大了 I"m so embarrassed. 我是苏菲 过去常一起玩的 I"m Sophia. We used to play together. 噢 是的 当然 Oh, of course. Yeah. 你最近怎么样? How are you? 我很好 尤其是发现你在这 I"m quite good actually, especially now that I"m finding you here. 里面怎么这么黑?

 Why is it so dark in here? 没电了 The power"s out. 我爸认为是老鼠咬断了电线 My dad thinks rats chewed through the wires. 我很想请你进去 不过这乱糟糟的 I"d invite you in, but there"s really no place to hang or anything. 没关系 我不会待太久 That"s okay. I can"t stay long anyways. 很漂亮吧? It"s beautiful, isn"t it? 你离开这多久了? How long"s it been since you were out here? 好些年了 A long time, years. 我以前来过 Yeah. I come by once in a while, 看到有别人住着 and I"ve seen other people here but never you. 嗯 时而有新的搬进搬出 Yeah, other family come out now and then, 但去年夏天一直没人 but no one"s really been here this last summer. 除了那些搞骚扰 搞破坏的 Well, except for the people who keep breaking in and messing the place up. 哦 真糟糕 - 是啊 That"s terrible. Yeah. 他们几乎打烂了我们所有玻璃 Well, they broke almost all our windows. 我叔叔找警♥察♥来才赶走他们 My uncle had to call the police to run them off. 那你们回来做什么? So what are you doing here now? 修一下 再把它卖♥♥掉 Fixing it up. We"re gonna sell it. 好可惜啊 That"s too bad. 除了卖♥♥♥房♥♥子 你还有其他要做的吗? And aside from selling this house, what are you up to? 没什么了

 Nothing much. 你还在上学什么的吗? Are you in school or something? 不 我从来不喜欢学校 No, me and school don"t really go together. 我给我老爸打工 正在想做点别的 I"m working for my dad and thinking about doing something else. 最近找工作挺难的 Yeah, it"s tough getting any kind of job these days. 有太多想做的 There"s so many things I want to do, 但又觉得没能力 but I never seem to be able to do any of them. 你记得已经多久了吗? Can you believe how long it"s been? 记得我们以前常玩扮家家吗? Remember when we used to play dress up and do makeovers? 是吗? - 是啊 Did we? Yeah. 哦 天啦 Oh, my God. 过了好久了 有时 It"s been so long, I swear, sometimes, 我总觉得我脑袋上有个洞 I think I have holes up here. 我有一堆照片不知道放哪了 我得找到 I have a pile of photos around somewhere. I"ll have to find them. 噢 Yeah. 你的头发总是最漂亮的 You always had the best hair. 你在这会这待多久? So how long are you around for? 我们已经来了好几天了 We"ve already been here a couple days, 我爸想尽快搬出去 and my dad thinks we"re gonna head out soon. 是吗? Really? 你想待会出去走走吗? Well, you maybe want to hang out later?

 嗯 好呀 Yeah, that could be good. 电♥话♥线还没接好 The phone lines aren"t set up though 所以还不能用 and our cells don"t work up here. 没事 我待会再过来 It"s okay, I"ll just come by later. 好 Okay. 真没想到还能见到你 I didn"t know if I"d ever see you again. 很高兴真到你 It"s so good to see you. 我也是 Yeah, it"s good to see you, too. 待会见 I"ll see you later. 我真的记得你 You know, I do remember you. 你怎么可能忘掉呢? How could you forget? 待会见 See you later. 约翰 如果你硬要这么做 John, if you care so much about the way it"s done, 你自己做吧 you can do it yourself, okay? Just do it yourself. 做点有用的事 Just trying to be helpful. 你这混♥蛋♥ You"re an asshole. 你让我现在怎么办? - 抱歉 萨拉 我要走了 What? What did I do now? Sorry. I gotta get out of here, Sarah. 噢 Whoops. 可以把车钥匙给我么? Can I have the keys to my car, please? 嗯.Uh... 你知道在哪 把钥匙给我

 You know where they are. Give me the keys. 等你气消了 When you"re done with your temper tantrums, 来修下电♥话♥吧 see if you can get the electrician on the phone, please. 他要跑了才奇怪了 That would be awesome. If he could come out here, 我们要用他的钳子 we could use his needle nose pliers 把那玩意儿处理了 to get that stick out of your ass. 做什么? - 我爱你 哥哥 What was that? I love you, brother. 你叔叔为什么总把问题搞得这么复杂 I don"t know why my brother always has to make everything so difficult. 是呀 尤其是他不听你的话的时候 Yeah, when he doesn"t do what you want him to. 的确 如果大家都听我的 Exactly. You see, if everyone would just do what I say, 也就没有麻烦了 是吧? we wouldn"t have any problems, would we? 哈 Uh-huh. 有什么需要我帮忙的吗? Do you need any help down there? 不用了 No, it"s okay. 好 Okay. 嘿 你在做什么? Hey. What are you doing? 我好像听到楼上有声音 I just thought I heard something upstairs. 多半是老鼠 It"s probably the damn rats. 天啦 别跟我说 God, don"t remind me. 不 上面好像有人 No, it sounded like someone was up there. 也许是你叔叔 Maybe it"s your uncle.

 不 他的车不在 No, his car"s not here. 我知道你的想法 宝贝 I know how you think, sweetie. 你想让我上楼去看看吗? Would you like me to go upstairs and have a look? 嗯 Yeah. Okay. 等下!我跟你一起 Wait! I"m gonna come with you. 天啦!

 Jesus! 撞到你了? L get you? 是的 但你弄疼我了 Yeah, you did and that hurt. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 你是想搞笑? What, you"re trying to be funny? 一点点 A little bit. 那是什么? What"s that? 嗯 只是... Uh, it"s just... 没什么 只是办保险用的一些照片 It"s just nothing. It"s photographs for the insurance. 不知道你叔叔为什么放在这儿 I don"t know why your uncle just leaves things laying around like this. 真不像话 Ridiculous. 抱歉 Sorry. 宝贝 你真的该开始收拾了 Honey, you"re gonna really have to start making some progress in this room. 你都还没开始整理衣柜呢 You haven"t even started on this closet. 大多都不是我的 Most of it isn"t mine. 那怎么办?就扔在这?

 So what? It"s just gonna stay here? 你在这做什么? What are you doing in here? 你知不知道我们是要打包搬出去… I don"...

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