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来源:网友投稿 时间:2022-08-19




 嘿 你现在想听听我的短篇故事吗? hey, you want to hear my short story now? 啊? huh? 我能读给你听 i could read it to you. 又来? you mean, again? 我把结尾改了点 i changed the ending a little. 哦 那改成什么样了呢? oh,what happens now? 额 其实吧 没啥变化 well, actually, it"s the same 只是说篇幅长了点 but longer. 我觉得我改的这一版更好 更...强烈些 i think it"s better. more... raw. 那你还是只念结尾吧 then maybe you should just read the ending. 但如果你不听前文 but it won"t make sense 后文就接不上了呀 if you hear it out of context. 我觉得你那篇不该改 原版挺好的 i think you should leave it the way it was. it was good. 所以说你不想听我改的新结尾吗? so you don"t want to hear my new ending? 你明天会在课堂上读的 you"ll read it in class tomorrow. 到时候可以给我个惊喜 surprise me. 不管咋说 我要走了 anyway, i have to go. 我答应过玛莲达要帮她练口语 i promised melinda i"d help her with her oral. 你厌烦我了 我看得出来 you"re tired of me, i can tell. 马库斯 我累了 仅此而已 marcus, i"m tired, that"s all. 你对我没兴趣了

 you"ve lost interest. 我们云雨的时候你都不出汗了 you hardly even sweat anymore when we have sex. 我本来就不容易出汗 你知道的 i was never much of a sweater, you know that. 听着 薇 look, vi, 我不怪你 你现在只是在可怜我 i don"t blame you. you feel pity now. 一切都变得没劲了 pleasure isn"t there anymore. 情趣也没了 the kinkiness is gone. 你人已经很好了 you"ve become kind. 当他看着她时 "when he saw her, 他好像能够如正常人一般走路 it was as if he could walk like a normal person. 他的双腿不再会不受控制的抽动 his legs didn"t swing, 他的双臂变得灵活了起来 his arms didn"t spaz away. 仿佛他不再是个病人了 he wasn"t a freak anymore, 因为她 他忘却了那些病痛 for she made him forget his affliction. cp 不再是脑瘫的意思 no more cerebral palsy. 从此 cp 将指代 from now on, cp stood for... 头脑灵光的人 "cerebral person." 他是个头脑灵光的人“ he was a cerebral person." 我觉得很不错 马库斯 i thought that was really good, marcus. 真的 really... 感人肺腑 情感真挚 moving and emotional.

 我也认为这篇故事情感丰富 i thought it was really emotional, too. 呃 还有 student #1: and, i mean, 用词很巧 really good word choices. 隐约让我看到了些福克纳的影子 it kind of reminded me a little of faulkner, 只是说你来自东海岸而且有些功能不全 but east coast and disabled. 或像弗兰纳里·奥康纳 她患有多发性硬化 or flannery o"connor. she had multiple sclerosis. 还有博尔赫斯 他是个盲人 and borges-- he was blind. 约翰·厄普代克患有牛皮藓 updike has psoriasis. 也许我是错的 maybe i"m wrong, 但... but... 我觉得你这整个故事 i"m afraid i found the whole thing 恐怕显得有点平庸 to be a little trite. 故事写得确实很认真 its earnestness is... 呃...但读起来有些令人尴尬 well... it"s a little embarrassing. 这些形容词用的有些突兀且显得有些多余 those adjectives are flatfooted and redundant. 抱歉 我只是... i"m sorry, i mean... 算了 别... 我才疏学浅 anyway, don"t-- what do i know? 别把我的话放在心上 don"t even listen to what i say. 我意思是... i mean... 还有意见吗? anyone else? 凯瑟琳是对的

 catherine is right. 你的短篇一无是处 your story is a piece of shit. 全篇上下都是陈词滥调 you express nothing but banalities, 而且 严格来讲 全篇故事里面 and, formally speaking, are unable to construct 甚至都没能找出一个妙句 a single compelling sentence. 你在平庸无聊的词句海洋里游得很欢嘛 you ride on a wave of cliches so worn, in fact, 这篇故事中的陈词滥调堆砌到了一种极为怪诞的程度 it actually approaches a level of grotesquerie. 还有你的短篇题目——《真实的原始形态》 and your subtitle-- "the rawness of truth"-- 说出去也不怕闹笑话? is that supposed to be a joke of some sort? 还是说你自命不凡? or are you just being pretentious? 行了 okay. 下一位到谁了? who"s next? 薇:马库斯 等等!

 vi: marcus, wait up! 你要干啥? what do you want? 不必那么伤心 这还好啦 don"t be so upset, it"s okay. 你♥他♥妈♥在说什么?!好在哪了? what the fuck are you talking about?!

  what"s okay? 他也不喜欢我的短篇呀

  - 你的短篇确实垃圾 he hated my story also. - you story was terrible. 马库斯 你下次能写出更好的作品的 marcus, you"ll write something better next time. 不需要你这种保护 如果你一开始就对我实话实说 patronizing fuck!

 if you had been honest with me in the first place, 我就不会读它了 我知道这篇我写的不好 i wouldn"t have read it. i knew it was shit, 但我信你了 像个傻瓜一样信你了 but like an idiot, i believed you.

 我当时说的是实话啊 that"s not fair, i was honest. 也就是因为我不会像凯瑟琳那个婊♥子♥那样拍老师马屁 just because i wasn"t sucking up like that bitch, catherine-- 你每到关键时刻都不发表意见 我看着呢 i sure didn"t hear you voice your opinion when it mattered. 好吧我承认 我当时被吓到了 i admit it, i was scared. 他的话太重了 我当时也惊了 i was shocked, in fact, by what he said. 但他又显得那么有说服力 he"s so convincing. 如果我让你失望了 我很抱歉 但真的 i"m sorry if i let you down, but really... 我还是觉得他只是表达了他自己一个人的看法 i still say he"s just one opinion. 我甚至不大喜欢他写的那些书 那些书都太... i don"t even like his books that much. they"re all so... 里面的言辞都太过激进了 aggressively confrontational. 我不在乎他得了什么普利兹奖 i don"t care if he"s won the pulitzer prize. 你只是想和他搞 跟凯瑟琳一样 you just want to fuck him, like catherine 跟学校里其他白批女人一样 and every other white cunt on campus. 马库斯 你不能就这样单方面结束啊 marcus, you can"t just unilaterally decide to end things. 我们谈的是感情啊 是...友情 this is a relationship we"re talking about, a friendship. 你不能就这样-- you don"t just-- 去你的!

 fuck you! 去他丫的!去他丫的!去他丫的!

 fuck him! fuck him! fuck him! 薇薇 你还好吗? vi, are you okay? 好 我还好 我好得很 yes, i"m okay. i"m totally okay. 你做的没问题

 you did the right thing. 我知道 i know that. 和一个残疾人搞 fucking cripple. 我为什么要跟本科生浪费时间谈恋爱啊? why do i waste my time with undergrads? 他们都太... they"re all so... 不成熟了!

 juvenile! 我就是觉得马库斯可能会和他们不一样 i just thought marcus would be different. 我的意思是 他患有脑瘫【总该成熟些】

 i mean, he"s got cp. 那你现在打算做什么? what are you going to do now? 不知道 去酒吧咯 i don"t know. go to a bar, 来一炮 随便咯 get laid, whatever. 别担心我 我没事的 don"t worry about me, i"ll be just fine. 调酒师:你要啥? bartender: what can i get you? 来瓶啤酒就好 i"ll just have a beer. 给 here you go. 嗨 hi. 哈喽 薇 hello, vi. 你怎么在这? what are you doing here? 你 怎么在这? what are you doing here? 抱歉 我不是... i"m sorry, i didn"t mean... 我只是没想到能在这碰到你 仅此而已 i just didn"t expect to run into you here, that"s all.

 好吧. well... 现在你碰到我了 now you have. 对啊 yeah. 那 你一个人? then, are you alone? 嗯 um-hmm. 我能和你坐一桌吗? can i join you? 谢谢 thanks. 呃 ... well... 我只是想说一下

 我上课很开心 i just wanted to say that i"m really happy with the class. 我明白你肯定每天都能听到这句话 i know you must hear this all the time, 而且我也特别喜欢你的作品 but i"m also a great admirer of your work. 特别是《周日私刑》 "a sunday lynching" especially... 真的有... really... 启发到我 spoke to me. 天呐 我希望我没让你难堪 god, i hope i"m not embarrassing you. 没有的事 you"re not. 太好了 good. 因为... because... 我十分认同你上周所说的那些话 i really agreed with everything you had to say last week 让我知道我的短篇有多差 about how bad my story was. 那挺好

 that"s good. 我也认同你今天那段话 i also agreed with what you said today 对马库斯短篇的评价 about marcus" story. 那篇确实一无是处 it is a piece of shit. 你皮肤真美 you have beautiful skin. 谢谢 thank you. 看起来凯瑟琳她应该能成为一位好作家 catherine seems like she might become a really good writer. 也许吧 maybe. 她写的还行 she"s okay. 你不是在和凯瑟琳约会吗? aren"t you going out with catherine? 抱歉 这不关我事 i"m sorry, it"s none of my business. 我没那个意思 i didn"t mean... 我没在和凯瑟琳约会 i"m not going out with catherine. 哦 oh. 你认为我有成为作家的潜力吗? do you think i have potential as a writer? 没有 no. 谢谢你那么坦诚哦 thank you for being honest. 我很尊敬你 i have so much respect for you. 我能稍微洗漱一下吗? can i just freshen up for a second? 在那边 it"s over there. 谢谢 thanks.

 别有歧视心理 ( whispering ) don"t be a racist. 别有歧视心理 别有歧视心理... ( repeating )don"t be a racist. don"t be a racist... 你住的地方真不错 it"s really a nice place you have. 租金高吗? ( nervous chuckle ) is the rent high? 脱掉你的上衣 take off your top. 现在... now... 脱♥光♥剩下的吧 take off the rest. 转过身来 turn around. 弯腰 bend over. 说... professor: say... ”黑鬼 屮我“ "nigger, fuck me." 我不能这样说 vi: but i can"t say that. 说... say... 黑...

 - 黑... ni...

  - ni... 鬼...

  鬼... ...gger.

 - ...gger. 说 “黑鬼”

 - 黑鬼 say, "nigger."

  - nigger. “狠狠地屮我” "fuck me hard." 狠狠地--屮--我 fuck-- me-- hard. 说 “黑鬼 狠狠地屮我” say, "nigger, fuck me hard." 黑鬼 狠狠地屮我 nigger, fuck me hard. 再来

 again. 黑鬼 狠狠地屮我 nigger, fuck me hard. 再来

 - 黑鬼 狠狠地屮我 again.

 - nigger, fuck me hard. 再来

  - 黑鬼 狠狠地屮我 ( grunts ) again.

  - nigger, fuck me hard. 再来!

 - 黑鬼 狠狠地屮我 again!

  - nigger, fuck me hard. 再来

  - 黑鬼 狠狠地屮我 again!

 - nigger, fuck me hard! 怪胎 freak. 我能进来吗? can i come in? 你全身都... you"re all... 汗湿透了 sweaty. 薇:”随后约翰将她翻过身去 vi: "so john flipped her around, 并将她推到墙上 and slammed her against the wall. 简用手扶墙撑着自己 jane braced herself. 她想到了她的母亲 she thought about her mother. 她想到了皮特 she thought about peter. 她想到了上帝... she thought about god... 她想到了强♥奸♥ and rape. 说 ”屮我 黑鬼 say, "fuck me, nigger, 狠狠地屮我。” fuck me hard." 约翰的皮肉和她的柔软肌肤摩擦着 john"s flesh abraded her soft skin. 纵使那样会留下疤 there would be marks.

 她也默许了 she acquiesced 她说出了他要求她说的 and said what he asked her to say, 也做了他要求她做的 and did what he asked her to do. 她曾经满怀希望地踏入大学 she had entered college with hope, 自尊自爱 with dignity, 但却堕落至此沦为妓♥女♥

 直到毕业 but she would graduate as a whore." 为什么这短篇里的人物设定都那么丑陋呢 why do people have to be so ugly, 设定出那么丑陋的角色 也太变♥态♥了吧 write about such ugly characters? it"s perverted. 我知道你们都认为我蛮神经质的 i know you all think i"m being prissy, 但我不在乎 我一路都这么走来了 but i don"t care. i...

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