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来源:网友投稿 时间:2022-06-06




 (父亲的罪孽将加诸其子 ——《出埃及记》20:5)

 南德克萨斯电台 South Texas Radio. 欢迎回来 Welcome back. 我要向所有听众 I have to tell all of you listeners, 报道一个爆♥炸♥性的新闻 in case you haven"t already heard about this, 也许有人还不知道 and this one"s a doozy. 德克萨斯州将要释放一名 被判有罪的谋杀犯 The State of Texas is releasing a convicted murderer 他叫内托·尼恩特 by the name of Neto Niente, 他本来还在死刑名单上 现在要被释放了 straight off of death row and back onto our streets. 似乎是一名过分热心的州警罗伯特·卡隆 It seems that an overzealous state trooper by the name of Robert Cuaron 捏造了导致尼恩特被定罪的关键证据 planted a key piece of evidence that led to Niente"s conviction. 就在他被执行死刑前 Well, shortly before his death, 州警承认了捏造证据 the trooper confessed to planting this evidence. 我想告诉大家 Now, let me tell you folks, 这个尼恩特 就是那种应该被永远关起来的人 this Niente is the kind of guy who should be locked away for good. 他的帮派同伙管他叫“耶稣会士” His gangster associates called him The Jesuit 原因很变♥态♥ in some sick reference 因为在西班牙宗教裁判期间 to the fact that certain Jesuits 一些耶稣会士对他人实施了酷刑 performed torture during the Spanish Inquisition. 他肯定会真正犯下可怕的罪行 It is only a matter of time 这只是时间问题 before something truly awful happens.

 听众们 我想知道你们的想法 Callers, I want to know what you think. 拉雷多的克瑞斯多 Crystal in Laredo. 那家伙好像确实很坏 This fella does sound pretty bad, 但不能因为他的罪就犯下其他的罪 but one sin does not justify another, 公权力更不能这样做 especially by the authorities. 最终会由上帝来审判他 In the end, it will be God who will pass judgment on this guy. 希望你是对的 I hope you"re right. 科珀斯克里斯蒂的何塞 Jose in Corpus Christi. 我希望他烂在监狱里 I don"t care if he rots in prison. 这个人给我们族群抹黑了 This guy, he just makes my people look bad. 我一点儿也不同情他 I really have no sympathy for him. 一双靴子 These boots. 一袋衣服 A bag of clothes. 你肯定还会回来的 I"m sure I"ll see you again. (德克萨斯州 亨茨维尔监狱)

 律师 Counselor. 内托 Neto. 我给你带了顶帽子 Brought you a hat. -你想去哪? -先离开这里 Where do you want to go? Let"s get out of here. 你的东西都在后面 So, your stuff"s in the back there. 大概有三万美金 Well, you"ve got about 30 grand-ish.

 还有你的护照 Plus your passport. 对了 还给你准备了一样东西 Speaking of which, I"ve got something for you. 给你 There you are. 这玩意儿有所有最新功能 That"s got all the latest shit on it, that has. 你试试就知道有多牛逼了 You won"t believe that fucking thing. 你是怎么让卡隆改变证词的? How"d you get Cuaron to change his testimony? 你也知道 六个月前 Well, as you know, six months ago, 他在自己屁♥眼♥儿里发现了癌症 he discovered he"s got cancer of the asshole. 他说 “上帝啊 我做了什么 为什么会有这种报应” He says, "God, what have I done to deserve this?" 他不能坐下 不能拉屎 He can"t sit. He can"t take a shit. 所以她老婆说 “罗伯托 亲爱的 So his wife says, "Roberto, my love," 你必须忏悔你的罪” she says, "You must confess your sins." 她说 “当你走到天国之门前 She says, "When you" re standing at the pearly gates, 上帝会直接看到你的灵魂 God is gonna look directly into your soul, right? 祂能看到你所有的秘密 He"s going to see all your secrets, 祂会审判你的” and he"s gonna judge you." 所以他说 “塞西莉亚 你说的对 So he says, "Cecilia, you" re right. 明天我就去找警♥察♥ 坦白我所有的罪行” Tomorrow, I will go down to the police and I will confess all my sins." 然我后想 “等一下 等一下 And I said, "Hold on a minute." I said, "Hold on a minute." 明天我带着他的药来看他的时候 Tomorrow, when I come by with his medicine, 我会带上一名法官 记下他的声明” 我就这么做了

 I"ll bring along a judge to take down his statement, which is what I done. 所以 罗伯托的灵魂可以安息了 And now, Robbie"s soul is at rest. 一周之后 他就在圣彼得的怀抱中了 非常感谢 A week later, he was in the arms of St. Peter, thank you very much. 你知道自己已经不受任何限制了吧? You know you got no restrictions on you, right? 不是假释 不用被监管 No parole, no supervision. 你♥他♥妈♥想去哪就去哪 You can go wherever you fucking want, 但是在德克萨斯 but in Texas, 这里的人不会忘记“耶稣会士” they don"t forget the fucking Jesuit. 警♥察♥不会忘 他们觉得你害了他们的同伴 Not the police. As far as they"re concerned, you took one of their own. 那些墨西哥裔黑帮份子更不会忘 所以你在这里完蛋了 And certainly not the fucking cholos. You"re fucked there. 你是刽子手 给自己树了无数敌人 You was an enforcer. You made enemies. 他们是绝逼会记住你的 They fucking remember you. 如果我是你 我他妈的肯定赶紧滚蛋 If I was you, I"d fuck right off. 我要先做一件事 There"s just one thing I got to do first. -什么事? -我要去看我儿子 What"s that? I have to see my son. 警♥察♥!

 Police! 哎呦呦 Well, well, well. 高墙电网都没能改变你呀 Wall hasn"t changed you. 你可真是一点儿也没变啊 Haven"t changed you at all, have they? 妈妈总是说 Mama always said, “天热的时候别去踢牛粪” "Never kick a fresh turd when it"s hot out."

 但是今天下雨 But it"s been raining. 也许你那个舔屌♥的律师 Your ball-sucking lawyer 有办法操纵卡隆改变证词 may have manipulated Cuaron into changing his testimony. 但上帝知道你有罪 你罪孽深重 Lord knows you"ve sinned. You"ve sinned plenty. 我们绝对会盯紧你的 小子 We"re gonna be watching you closely, boy, that"s for goddamn sure. 来了 Yes? 嗨 Hi. 你应该先打个电♥话♥的 You should have called. 我能进去吗? May I come in? 看看你 Look at you. 你永远都是一身麻烦 你想干什么? You are nothing but trouble. What do you want? 我想看看我儿子 I"d like to see my son. 他不在这里 No. He"s not here. 你走吧 You need to leave. 我已经四年没见过他了 请让我进去 It"s been four years. Please let me in. 给你五分钟 Five minutes. 谢谢 Thank you. 胡里奥 Julio. 胡里奥 Julio. 监狱里是什么样啊? So, what was prison like? 那里的人都不太聪明

 People in there, they ain"t very smart, you know? 不像你 I mean, not like you. 我知道他们会发现自己犯了错 会放你走 I knew they"d let you go, see their mistake. 我一直在祈祷 I never stopped praying. 这是怎么了? What happened here? 是文森特 Vincent happened. 他打你了? Did he lay a hand on you? 没有 他只是不相信上帝 No, he just doesn"t believe in God. 内托 你得走了 Neto. You have to go. -文森特马上就要回来了 -可是 妈妈… Vincent will be home soon. But, Mom... 内托 求你了 Neto, please. 来 笑一个 Here. Smile. 不!

 No! No! No! 你是谁? Who are you? 你想干什么? What do you want? 我要给你丈夫留个信息 I need to send your husband a message. 我没有丈夫 I have no husband. 这是拉丁语 意思是 That"s Latin for, “让说谎的人闭嘴” "Let the lying lips be put to silence." 不要!

 No! No! No! 他会杀了你的 He"s going to kill you.


 He"s going to fucking rip you apart. 我还从来没那个荣幸能见见你丈夫呢 You know, I haven"t had the pleasure of meeting your husband... 但我真的是非常期待 but I"m sure as hell dying to. 不!

 No! No! No! No! 不要!

 No! 不!

 No! 你什么时候出来的 内托? When did you get out, Neto? 几天前 A few days ago. 能在教堂看见你可真好 Good to see you again in God"s house. 你上次告解是什么时候? How long has it been since your last confession? 很久之前了 Oh, it"s been a long time. 你想告解吗? Would you like to confess? 你见过胡里奥了吗? Have you seen Julio? 嗯 我昨天去看他了 Yeah, I saw him yesterday. 他非常仰慕你 He really looks up to you 还会在周日礼拜上帮你的忙 and helps you during the Sunday services and all. 是的 He does. 胡里奥是个好孩子 很善良 Julio"s a good boy. Kindhearted. 但他真正仰慕的是你 But you"re the one he really admires. 那也许我应该跟他保持距离 Maybe I should keep my distance then. 也许吧

 Perhaps. 自我牺牲是走向正义的方法 Self-sacrifice is the way to lead a just life. 耶稣会士 The Jesuit. 你想找我聊聊吗? You want to talk to me? 就是来看看 Just checking in. 你一点也没变啊 混♥蛋♥ You haven"t changed at all, bastard. 你有什么需要吗? Do you need something? 要帮你安顿下来吗? Do you need to be set up? 其实 Well, actually, 我想的正相反 I was thinking of going the other way. 我想退出 Stepping back. 这不可能 兄弟 That"s not possible, ese. 以血始 以血终 (注:一些帮派要杀人才能加入 不死就不能退出)

 Blood in, blood out. 为了生活 记得吗? 嗯 我记得 Yeah, I remember. 所以我才想第一个让你知道 That"s why I"m telling you first. 我已经决定了 See, I"ve made up my mind. 现在轮到你来决定 Now you"ve got to decide 自己要站在哪一边 which side you want to be on this. 看到这些家伙了吗? See those vatos? 他们会很乐意干掉你的 They"d love to take you on. 宰掉耶稣会士

 Cut down The Jesuit. 在道上名声大震 Get his rep. 我很想看他们来试试 Oh, I"d love to see them try. 我也是!

 Me too! 好了 混♥蛋♥ Okay, asshole. 我放你一马 I"ll give you a pass, 但是你不能留在这里 but you can"t stay around here. 不能让人知道你回来了 Can"t have people knowing you"re back 却不给我们干活 and not taking orders. 尽早离开 明白吗? Don"t take too long to leave, understood? 如果让我知道你加入了其他帮派 I hear you join another group... 你就死定了 You"re dead. 我老婆交了个新男友 And my wife, she has a new boyfriend, uh, 文森特·莱斯 Vincent Rice. 她说他是做公♥寓♥生意的 你听说过吗? She says he sells condos. You know him? La Cara del Norte. 他在南边干活 跟我们不是一伙的 He has weight down south, not with us. 米加里托!

 Migalito! 首先 你跟我保证货到就付款 First, you promise me payment on delivery. 这是一振 That"s one strike. 然后你又让我大老远跑到这里来 这是二振 Then you make me come here. That"s another.

 行了 够了 Ah-ah. That"s enough. 可惜我对付的不是更高等种族的顾客 It "s a shame I can"t deal with a better race of customers. 现在已经是两振了 We got two strikes on the batter, 如果你不想把棒球吞下去 so unless you want to eat a baseball, 那最好马上告诉我 我的钱在哪里 I would suggest you tell me where my money is right now. 嘿 文森 Hey, Vince. 是她 It"s her. 妈的 Ah, shit. 比赛结束 Game"s over. 快他妈的接电♥话♥ Pick up the damn phone. -终于开门了 -嗨 美女 Finally. Hey, pretty. -我跟你说过别到这里来 -你又忘了把钱给我了 I told you not to come here. You forgot to leave me the money again. 钱? The money? 莱利 把包拿来 Riley, the bag. 不好意思 你是想要现金吗? I"m sorry. You want cash? 给你 你这个骗钱的婊♥子♥ Here"s your cash, you gold-digging whore. 现在快滚吧 Now fuck off. 记...

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