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来源:网友投稿 时间:2022-06-08




 糖果人 他们会说我令无辜的人流血 They will say that I have shed innocent blood. 但血不流用来干什么? What"s blood for, if not for shedding? 有了我手上的钩子 With my hook for a hand, 我会把你碎尸万断 I"ll split you from your groin 我为你而来 I came for you. 这是个我听过的最骇人听闻的故事 lt"s the scariest story l have ever heard, 并且全是真的 and it"s totally true. 发生在数年前 It happened a few years ago, 靠近印第安纳州的摩西湖 near Moses Lake, in Indiana. 嘉娜在约翰逊家做保姆 Clara was babysitting for the Johnsons, 比利骑了摩托车来接她 and Billy pulls up on his motorcycle. 她不是在和比利约会 Now, she wasn"t even going out with Billy. 她实际上和迈克约会了六个月 She was actuaIIy going out with Michael for about six months. 但她对比利很迷恋 But she always had the hots for Billy 因他像是坏男孩 "cause he was like a bad boy. 而迈克则是个好男孩 And Michael was just so nice. 所以


 她决定今晚 So, anyway, she decides that tonight"s the night 她要给比利她从来没有给过迈克的东西 that she"s gonna give Billy what she never gave to Michael. 听说过糖果人吗? Have you ever heard of Candyman? 没有 No.

 他的右手断了 Well, his right hand is sawn off 换了一只有钩的手 and he has a hook jammed in the bloody stump. 如果你看着镜子 And if you look in the mirror, 叫他的名字五次 and you say his name five times, 他便会在你身后出现 he"ll appear behind you breathing down your neck. 想试试吗? You wanna try it? 之后比利便开始 GlRL: So Billy began. 他看着镜子说 He Iooked in the mirror and he said... 糖果人 Candyman. 糖果人 Candyman. 糖果人 Candyman. 糖果人 Candyman. 没有人尝试超过四次 No one ever got past four. 不是在这里 Not here. 去楼下 Go downstairs. 我有惊喜给你 l have a surprise for you. 她看着镜子 GlRL: She Iooked in the mirror, 我不知为什么 and I don"t know why, 但她说了第五次 but she said his name the last time. 糖果人 Candyman. 她关了灯

 She turned out the lights... 他看了后

 头发也吓白了 What he saw turned his hair white from shock. 杀了她 Killed her, 用钩把她分开了两节 split her open with his hook, 也杀了那个婴儿 and then killed the baby, too. 比利幸免一死 And Billy got away, 但从此疯了 but soon after he went crazy. 我室友的男朋友认识他 My roommate"s boyfriend knows him. 第一次是什么时候听到这故事 So, when did you first hear this story? 我朋友在收音机上听到 My friend heard it on the radio. 是真的


 是吗 lt"s true. Sick, huh? 保姆被烧焦了 The babysitter just roasted the kid, 好像她是一只火鸡 like it was a turkey or something. 什么事了? So, what"s the deal? 你们写关于那些杀人犯吗? You guys doing a page on serial killers or something? 类似 Something like that. 好了

 完成了 Well, that"s it. We"re done. 好的


 没问题 All right. Thanks.No problem. 再见 See ya. 他们似乎每天都在变年轻 Seems like they"re gettin" younger every day. 芝加哥

 伊利诺洲大学 还有人记得曾流行养宠物鳄鱼吗?

 TREVOR: Does anybody remember the craze for the pet baby alligators? 当鳄鱼大到不能养的时候 DlANE: When they got too Iarge to keep, 他们会在洗手间冲走鳄鱼 peopIe fIushed them down the toiIet. 他们现在住在下水道里 They Iive in the sewers now. 有些有三十尺长 Some of them are 30-feet Iong. 会在哪里发生? TREVOR: Where did this happen? 他们因为生活在黑暗中而失明和白化病 They went blind and albino from living in the dark. 不是在迈阿密


 我在报上看到过 Sir,it wasn"t Miami,it was New York.I read it in the paper. 那一定是真的 Oh, well, then it must be true. 为什么丹尼和戴安... Why would Danny and Diane both be suffering from the same delusion, 会有同一个幻觉 both be suffering from the same delusion, 在两个相隔一千里的城市 in two cities, over 1 ,000 miles apart? 面对现实吧!

 Let"s face it, folks. 下水道里根本没有鳄鱼 There are no alligators in the sewers. 不是

 是围着营火 No, it"s round the campfire, it"s bedtime stories. 是睡觉前听的故事 it"s bedtime stories. 这些故事是... See, these stories are modern, oral folklore. 现代的民间传说 oral folklore. 它们是现代城市人的恐惧 They are the unselfconscious reflection of the fears of urban society. 午饭时间 That"s lunch. 像史前的爬虫类 The primordial reptile is then transformed


 为什么? into this monster, right? Why? 风度翩翩的教授 Ah, the dashing professor. 可爱的妻子 The lovely wife. 海伦

 认识他们吗? Helen, you know everybody? 哈洛



 史迪丝 The crème de la crème. Harold. 你好 Hi. Hello. 继续努力温习 So, keep up the good work. 谢谢你的贡献 Thank you for the contributions. 谢谢

 再见 Thanks. Bye. 非常棒的讲座 Awesome lecture. 再见 Bye. 再见 See ya. 你要跟我说说那个女孩吗? So you wanna tell me about this girl? 她叫什么? 史迪丝 What"s her name? Stacey. 她几乎不能直视我的眼睛

 特雷弗 She could barely look me in the eyes, Trevor, 我发誓

 她脸红了 and l swear she was blushing. 我想那是因为她疯狂地爱着我 Well, l guess that"s because she"s madly in love with me. 你知道

 是那些爆发的青春期荷尔蒙在作怪 You know, all those bursting adolescent hormones. 你不是认为... You don"t really think. . . 不是

 当然不是 No, of course not. 不是就好了


 Good. l should hope not. So, what"s the matter? 特雷弗

 你答应过不教城市传说 Trevor, 直到下个学期 the urban legends lecture until next semester. 你知道

 伯纳黛特和我在收集新生的数据 You knew that Bernadette and l were gathering data from the freshmen, 那你为什么要毁了它? so why did you have to ruin it? 亲爱的


 我非常爱你 Honey, you"re my wife and l love you dearly, 但你不能指望我耽误他们的学业 but you can"t expect me to hold up their education 你们两个完成论文的时候 while the two of you complete your thesis. 我是说

 现实点 l mean, be realistic. 我有一门课程我必须要教 l have a curriculum l have to follow here. 是的

 我知道 Yes, l know. 好吗?所以别生我的气 Well? So don"t be mad at me. 望着镜子

 把他的名字说五遍 GlRL ON TAPE: If you look in the mirror 他便会在你身后出现 he"ll appear behind you breathing down your neck. 我可以打扫这个房♥间吗?

 可以 Can l clean the room? oh,sure. 之后比利便开始

 望着镜子说糖果人 GlRL ON TAPE: So Billy began. 糖果人? Candyman, huh? 是

 你也有听说这个? Yes, have you heard of him? 你在研究他? Mmm-hmm. You doing a study on him? 是的

 你听到什么? Yes, l am. What have you heard? 一入夜

 每个人都怕见到他 Everybody"s scared of him once it get dark.


 我朋友告诉我的 He live over at Cabrini. My friend told me about him. 布里尼-格林? Cabrini-Green? 是的 是在那里 Yeah, in the projects. 我住在南部

 所以我不大清楚 l live on the South Side, so l don"t know too much about it, 但我朋友

 她知道 but my friend, she know all about it. 他们说他杀了那女人 They say he killed a lady. 可以和你朋友谈谈? Can l talk to your friend? 当然可以 Sure. 姬蒂


 什么事? Kitty?

 Yeah? What do you want? 有位女士想和你谈谈 Lady down here wanna talk to you. 好的 All right. 她来了 She comin". 我是海伦尼奥 l"m Helen Lyle. 很高兴见到你


 她是姬蒂高娃 Pleased to meet you. Henrietta Mosely.

 And this is Kitty Culver. 告诉她那糖果人的事 Tell her what you

 told me

 about the

 Candyman. 我只知道有个女人在浴缸里 All l know was there was some lady in a tub 她听到了响声 and she heard a noise. 记得她叫什么名字吗?

 她叫露丝珍尼 Do you remember her name? 她听到撞击的声音 And she heard this banging and smashing, 像快要有人穿墙而出 like somebody was tryin" to make a hole in the wall. 露丝便打电♥话♥报♥警♥

 So Ruthie called 911 and she said, 她说有人从墙里穿出来 "There"s somebody comin" through the walls." 但他们不信 And they didn"t believe her. 他们以为她是疯子

 是吗? They thought the lady was crazy, right? 她再打多次电♥话♥报♥警♥ She called the police several more times 但他们仍不相信她 But they still did not believe her 他们去到现场

 她已死了 But when they finally got there, she was dead. 是枪击吗? Was she shot? 不是 No. 是被钩杀死 She was killed with a hook. 是真的 HENRlETTA: lt"s true. 是

 报纸也是这样写 Yeah, it is. l read it in the papers. 糖果人杀了她 Candyman killed her. 是

 但...我什么也不知道 Yeah, but l don"t know nothin" about that. 凶杀疑案 21 人凶残被杀 是什么杀了露丝珍尼 海伦

 简直是变♥态♥ BERNADETTE: Helen, this is sick. 不是童话故事

 那些女孩被人杀了 This isn"t one of your fairytales. A woman got killed here. 还未完的 Jesus. 这里是布里尼-格林

 你肯定认不出来 Now, that"s Cabrini-Green,not that you"d recognize it today. 不是开现笑

 我甚至不会开车经过那里 Yeah, no kidding. l won"t even drive past there.

 听说有个孩子前几天在那儿中枪了 Heard a kid got shot there the other day. 每天都有 Every day. 好

 仔细看这张照片 Okay, now look carefully at this picture. 这张 And then this one. 看到什么吗? You spot it? 没有 No. 那不是布里尼-格林 That"s not Cabrini-Green. 这大厦是林肯村 That"s this building, Lincoln Village. 我的公♥寓♥是作为一个住♥宅♥项目建造的 My apartment was built as a housing project. 不是的

 -是啊 No. Yeah. 看看这个 Now take a look at this. 完成这个工程后 Once it was finished, the city soon realized 这个城市与黄金海岸将不再有东西阻隔 that there was no barrier between here and the Gold Coast. 不像那里有公路 Unlike over there, where you got the highway 那些火车隔开了贫民区 and the "L" train to keep the ghetto cut off. 完全正确

 所以他们做了一些小改动 Exactly. So they made some minor alterations. 用水泥盖好房♥子 They covered the cinder block in plaster 这样便卖♥♥得很多钱 and they sold the lot off as condos. 你花了多少钱买♥♥这间公♥寓♥? How much did you pay for this place? 别问 Don"t ask. 等着瞧吧

 Now wait till you see this. 这是证明 Here"s the proof. 一个杀手

 或个多个杀手 The killer, or killers, they don"t know which, 他们不知道 they don"t know which, 是哪一个

 从这个柜子后面砸出来的 smashed their way through the back of this cabinet. 看

 那里没有墙 See, there"s no wall there. 只是一个药箱把我们和另一个公♥寓♥隔开了 lt"s only a medicine chest separating us from the other apartment. 嘿


 你们在干什么? Hey, hey, wait! What are you doing? 可能有人在上厕所 There could be somebody on the toilet. 不

 公♥寓♥的缺口 No,the apartment"s vacant 你肯定吗?

 -是的 Are you sure?

 Yes. 这里

 看看这里 There.OK,Now take


 look. 真令人意想不到 BERNADETTE: That is amazing. 什么? -那里有人

 我看到有亮光过去 What.There"s somebody in there.l saw a light go on. 没有人 There"s nobody there. 变♥...

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