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来源:网友投稿 时间:2023-03-24

公子与王子的睡前故事10篇公子与王子的睡前故事 灰王子一點都不像王子。他滿臉雀斑、又瘦又小,總是渾身髒兮兮。 他有三個高大、強壯、毛髮又多的哥哥。他們常常嘲笑灰王子長得醜。 他們最喜下面是小编为大家整理的公子与王子的睡前故事10篇,供大家参考。







 當他做完工作時,總會坐在火爐旁休息一會兒 ,並悄悄許願,希望變得像哥哥們一樣英俊。

 某一個星期六晚上,當他洗襪子時 ,一個髒兮兮的小仙女從煙囪裡掉下來。

 「我可以實現你的願望 。」小仙女揮舞仙杖大聲唸起咒語 ,「霹啪蹦 ,踢踢踏,空罐變成小汽車。」



















 「 讓他試試看。」兯主指著灰王子。








 《王子与公主的故事——引导层动画》一课是对 flash 运动渐变动画制作的一个深入,本节课主要包括,任意变形工具的使用和制作引导层动画。学习内容学生非常有兴趣,但有一定的难度。


 知识与技能:了解引导层动画的特点 过程与方法:掌握任意变形工具的使用方法;学会制作引导层动画 情感、态度与价值观:体验动画制作的乐趣,感受动画制作的奇妙 重点:学会制作引导层动画 难点:1、引导线应绘制在引导层中 2、运动对象与引导线的起点、终点的吸附操作。


 学生已经具备了一定的信息技术基础知识和基础的的 FLASH 操作的技能。所面对的学生已经分小组,每节课都给予操作积极的小组和学生进行量化赋分。


 教法:任务驱动、学案导学、小组合作 学法:自主探究、合作交流、学案导学 五、教学准备 1、学生练习素材。2、电子导学案及评价系统。3、电子教室。


 一、创设情境激发兴趣 师:通过播放准备好的《王子与公主的故事》flash 动画,导出本课主要内容:利用魔剑帮助王子杀死米诺牛和帮助王子逃离米宫。

 生:思考、发言 观看视频后,明确本课的两个主要任务 意图:提高学生积极性,激发学生兴趣,明确教学目标,引入新课


 二、自主探究交流分享 师:出示任务一:神奇的魔剑,击杀米诺牛 引导学生找到 Flash 中的“魔剑”并杀死米诺牛 对学生的演示进行评价 生:听课并根据导学案的提示利用 flash 中的魔剑帮助王子杀死米诺牛,练习任意变形工具的使用。

 练习完后对任务一进行自评 意图:自然引出学习内容,学生有兴趣,能够积极参与 老师的评价和学生自评更加调动学生积极性


  三、合作学习释疑解难 师:播放老师制作的动画,直接让王子穿墙而过,引导学生分析这过动画的问题 生:思考并分析动画有何不妥之处 意图:引入引导层动画的概念


  三、合作学习释疑解难 师:引导学生小组讨论,并总结出“建层画线、两端吸附”两句口诀。

 生:小组讨论。可以单纯的思考,也可以辅助以看教材等现有资料 意图:明确本环节操作重点


 三、合作学习释疑解难 师:巡察学生操作情况,及时将学生出现的问题解决,对容易出现的问题,全班同学共同分析解决 生:完成任务二顺利的逃离 意图:根据导学案的提示,学生实际动手完成一个引导层动画。



 四、实践创作、展示评价 师:引导学生畅想故事结尾。

 生:畅想并展示自己的故事结尾 意图:

 1、故事的完整性 2、传播美好的愿望 3、两个环节间的转换


 四、实践创作、展示评价 师:巡察学生操作情况,找出优秀作品,巩固优生,补偿差生 对小组推荐的优秀学生作品进行评价 生:综合利用本工课所学知识,完成动画 意图:巩固本节课所学知识,展示评价优秀作品,激发学生兴趣 培养学生把自己的思想带入自己的作品中


 五、梳理总结、拓展延伸 师:引导学生从三个维度进行学习总结 生:积极总结、分享收获和感悟 意图:培养学生总结归纳、发表个人观点的能力


  五、梳理总结、拓展延伸 师:播放优胜小组获奖仪式。

 生:观看获奖小组颁奖仪式 意图:调动学生兴趣,激发以后学习动机;增强团队荣誉感




 2、潜移默化的渗透德育知识,让学生树立正义战胜邪恶的信心 3、各环节采用“三五五”教学策略。并且在课堂上对学生呈现的环节名称不再是根据学生学习状态进行命名,而是用情境目标进行命名。让学生不再感到学习的压力(或者大大降低学习的压力),而是感受到学习的乐趣。在乐中学,在学中乐。



 本颁奖仪式中的学生头像为学生学籍管理系统中的大头像,用调用的方式调用,不用每次都重新设计颁奖 FLASH。



 仿 QQ 界面和操作降低学生操作难度,提高人机交互体验。

  七、总体设计意图 6、评价系统。评价系统与电子导学案相结合,充分体现了课改要求,使每个学生每节课的表现都能记录在电脑中,形成电子的学生成长档案袋,便于查找使用。



 据说古代有个执掌大权的国王膝下有一子三女。太子生得标致英俊公主们如花似玉又美丽又可爱。一天这位国王正坐在王位上临朝传报有三个哲人求见。他们一人拿着个金乌鸦一人拿着一只铜喇叭最后一人却双手捧着一匹乌木马。国王见了奇怪地问 道





  国王听了哲人们的叙述说道”既然这样让我试验一下果然那样神奇的话我会赏赐你们的。“国王先试验金乌鸦它的作用果然如它主人所说的 接着试铜喇叭 它的作用也和主人所说的一样。国王非常满意便对金乌鸦和铜喇叭的主人说








  于是太子一跃骑上乌木马 摇动双脚 马儿却一动不动。




  他仔细观察马身看来看去终于发现马的两肩下各有一颗突出的按纽。他暗想“看来只有这两个突出的按钮会是机关。”于是伸手捏住右面的按钮只见马儿飞得更高更快太子便立刻撒手接着试验左面的按钮他一捏住它马儿飞行的速度逐渐减慢徐徐 向下降落。


 由于刚开始马儿飞得太猛飞了很远路程必须经过很长时间才能降落到地面因此他 趁马儿下降时拨动马头自由地驾驶着时而向上时而下落。飞了一阵最后他驶近地 面注目一看到了一处从来不曾来过的地方。只见绿草如茵树林茂密河水清澈一座 巍峨美丽的城市在宽阔的平原中出现。



  他骑着马儿在暮色中沿城兜圈子观赏风光暗想“我暂且去城里过一夜等明天 一早驾马飞回家把我的经历禀告父王吧。”于是他开始寻找一处安全、僻静的地方以便 栖息。

 他发现城中央有一座高耸入云的宫殿 围着高大、 宽阔的围墙十分牢固、庄严。


  太子跳下马来仔细打量马儿不由叹道“向安拉起誓制造这匹马的人真聪明能干 呀若是安拉保佑让我平安回家和父王母后见面后我一定要好好对待那位哲人加倍


  太子待在屋顶上 又饥又饿 他从骑马离家之后就一直没有吃喝。他忍了又忍耐心等 待直到人们睡了这才撇下马儿寻找食物。


  庭院中镶着云石 眼前是坚固的建筑和富丽的陈设 他感到惊羡宫殿里既无人迹也 没有声响这更使他彷徨迷离。他东张西望不知该到哪儿找饮食于是自言自语“算了 吧我还是上屋顶去和马儿过一夜明早赶快驾马回家吧。”这一刹那他却发现一线隐约 的火光正向他移来。他仔细打量原来是一个月儿般美丽的佳人被一群婢女簇拥而来。

  这位美丽的女郎是位公主 是国王的掌上明珠。

 国王十分宠爱她特意给她建了这座行 宫供她消遣解闷。公主每当疲倦或烦闷的时候便率领婢仆到这儿住上一两天借以解 闷。那天晚上她正好带着宫娥彩女们来宫中消遣一个男仆持剑保护着她。


 分快乐。这时太子冲过去一拳打倒那个男仆夺过宝剑然后猛追那些宫娥彩女把她们 赶得到处逃窜。只有公主神色不乱挺身说道


 父王说你相貌奇丑。向安拉起 誓父王说的不是真的呀”

  原来那位求婚者是印度国的太子他相貌奇丑因而遭到国王拒绝。当事情突然发生 时公主马上就猜他是那位求婚遭到拒绝的印度太子。这时候一个宫女在旁边说道

  “公主这不是向你求婚的那人很丑而这人却很标致。那个求婚者只配做他的仆 人。你看这位青年俊得很可不像平常人呀”

  宫女说罢唤醒被打昏的仆人。仆人苏醒过来惊惶失措纵身跳起来赶快寻找宝 剑。宫女对他说“你在忙什么那个打倒你抢走你宝剑的人正和公主坐在一起谈话 呢。”

  这个仆人奉国王之命负责保护公主。此时一听宫女的话赶紧跑进大厅看见公主 和太子果然正在一起谈话。他走过去打量太子问道


 “你这个该死的家伙胆敢把我波斯国的太子看作鬼神我揍死你”他拿起宝剑 说“我是附马。国王已经把公主许配给我了。”

  “我的主人呀听你说你既然是人类贵为太子那与我们公主匹配可是再合适不过 了。”

  仆人慌慌忙忙离开行宫。他撕破衣服抓一把土撒在头上哭哭啼啼大喊大叫地跑去见 国王。国王听了哭喊声问道




  他喝道 “奴才 叫你保护公主 你怎么让魔鬼缠扰上公主了”于是他一路奔到行 宫只见宫娥彩女们整齐地站成一排便向她们问道“公主呢她怎么样了”




 除了这些外 我们不知道这人到底是人还是神他模样斯文很有礼貌也没有什 么不规矩的行为。”

  听了宫女的话国王心中的怒火平息了一些。他见太子和公主坐在一起谈得很亲密仔 细一看这人果然生得漂亮可爱。突然间他又一次抑不住忿恨为保护公主他不顾一 切抽出宝剑冲进大厅准备刺死太子。太子一见忙问公主



  太子突然跃身起来紧握宝剑大吼一声威胁着说要用宝剑刺死国王。国王见对方来 势凶猛知道这青年强壮有力自己不是对手只好忍气吞声把宝剑插回鞘中。


  “你呀要不是看在你和公主的面子上我非让你流血不可。我是波斯国的王子你怎 么敢说我是鬼是神我父亲波斯国王兵精国强权力无边他随时可以率领大军消灭你的王 国。”

  听了太子的话 国王惊惶之余 不免纳闷 说道“你既是王子为什么却径直闯进我

 的宫里来又为什么造谣说把公主许配给你了呢你要知道 许多王孙公子来向公主求婚 都被我杀掉了。你不怕死在我手里吗我只要一声令下仆从们立刻会冲进来杀死你没谁 能够救你呢。”

  “你的见识可太浅薄了令我感到不可理解。你是想把女儿嫁给一个比我更好的女婿 吗请问你你心目中是否有比我更健壮勇敢、富贵慷慨、有权有势的人选呢”

  “不。向安拉起誓你确实是令人羡慕的。不过你要娶亲应该三媒六证前来正式求婚 呀我完全可以把女儿许配给你为妻的若是无名无义就想娶走我的女儿那可就是侮辱 我败坏我的名声了。”

  “你说的对很有道理。不过按你刚才夸口的那样要是命令你的仆从和军队前来杀 我这就是你的耻辱了同时你就会失去国人对你的信赖。我有一个建议希望得到你的同 意。”





  “好吧明天开出你的人马。告诉他们我是来向公主求婚的。我为公主而和他们决 战。要是我被杀死则万事皆休你的秘密也就不会泄露要是我胜利了我就要娶公主 了。”

  太子带着夸张、侗吓的口气夸夸其谈。国王听了他这番话觉得还是有道理赞同了他 的意见。于是通知宰相叫他立刻集合全体官兵武装待命准备和太子比武。

  国王和太子对坐谈心。国王对太子的谈话十分钦佩。两个人谈得上劲不知不觉已是黎 明。国王起身回宫吩咐兵马整队出发准备和太子比武。同时他为太子选了一匹骏马配 上最好的鞍辔供太子在比武时骑用。太子推辞了说道





 枪匹马可以打败我们的军队即使我们有十万之众在他看来也微不足道。他口出狂言那 么我命令在比武中你们必须全力对付他把他挑在你们的刀尖上。”接着国王回头对太 子说“我的孩子该开始了。如何比法你自己去选择吧。”









  国王惊奇地回头吩咐侍从道“你们进宫去瞧瞧屋顶上有什么东西。有马匹的话赶 快给我带下来。”



  侍从们遵照国王的命令上了行宫的屋顶 果然发现一匹骏马站在上面非常雄壮可爱。

 他们一看居然是用象牙和乌木制造的大家哈哈大笑说道“那个小伙子所说的原来 就是这匹战马呀。

 他疯了 等着看吧 一旦弄明白 看他有什么办法。

 ”于是众侍卫抬起马 儿小心翼翼地把它一直搬到城外规规矩矩地放在国王面前。人们好奇地涌过来围着观 看。马儿既雄壮又新奇一般人赞叹之余又觉好笑国王本人也惊讶而赞叹。他问道





  国王命令士兵离开一箭之地太子这才说道“陛下现在要骑我的马儿了。我准备袭 击你的兵马他们会胆颤心惊抱头鼠窜而逃的。”



 备迎战。官兵们议论纷纷有人说“这小子一进阵地咱们拿枪挑起他来。”有的说 “造孽哪这么标致漂亮的青年转眼就要死了。”有人说“向安拉起誓咱们不努力奋 战 是打不败他的。

 如果他不是英勇过人的话 就不会夸下海口了。


  太子骑在马上正襟危坐在万目的注视下开动按钮马儿开始震动。一会儿马儿 腹中充满空气便向上升腾飞入云霄。国王看见太子骑着马儿飞到高空又惊又怒大声 叫道


  宰相和朝臣们也感到莫名其妙。他们安慰国王说道“陛下世间谁追得上飞鸟呢 此人显然是个大魔术家。多亏安拉保佑陛下平安无恙那个小子没危害到什么。”

  国王只好闷闷不乐地转回宫去。他对公主讲了比武场上的见闻。公主一听心情十分悲 伤为太子离开而染上重病卧床不起医药无效。国王忧心如焚把女儿搂在怀中吻着 她说道“儿啊安拉保佑我们不受那个魔术家的危害让我们赞美感谢他吧”她却听




 主角部分:秋佳乙(如果说 love 里的佳乙是可爱,智秋的佳乙是坚强,那么本篇的佳乙则是BH,我会尽力表现出佳乙 BH 的一面,而佳乙的职业则回到最适合她的幼儿心理医生)

 具俊表 (可爱的卷卷头, 他是我三版中觉得最最帅气的司, 每次都忍不住想把他往可爱的写,吼吼)








 あの时のあの场所 消えないこの绊

 那时那地 永不消失的和你的羁绊


 《睡美人》 ,家喻户晓的童话故事,告诉女人们,只要等待,终有一天,会有王子出现。

 如果公主的嘴唇上有剧毒,那么王子是否还愿意吻下去;又或者王子身中的剧毒,唯有公主的眼睛才能拯救,那么公主是否愿意牺牲掉自己重见光明的机会? 所以童话就是童话,而生活并不是童话。

  Chapter 1







 她轻叹一口气,摇了摇头, “前辈。




 “如果你是怀疑我和金智娜的关系, 我可以解释。

 ” 苏易正一贯神采奕奕的脸庞第一次显出了疲惫, “可是佳乙,这个时候,能不能不要再闹了,我现在真的很忙很累。





 将纸币搁在咖啡杯旁,微微颔首, “前辈,再见。










 曾经他是多么希望从她的嘴里听到一句我爱你,曾经他是多么希望在她的姓氏前面冠上自己的姓, 终于, 他无所不能的具俊表也有不得不承认自己失败的一天, 他失败了, 败的很彻底,她的一句话,他在这场战役立即输光所有。











  两年前, 秋佳乙大学毕业, 立志成为一名幼儿心理医师, 闲暇时间便是义务充当幼儿园老师,看着孩子们活泼的笑脸,她觉得分外开心。








 一个月后, 举行婚礼, 苏易正决定不对外公开, 目的是为了她能继续过着普通人的轻松生活。



























  店里雇佣的唯一助手郑美英, 轻轻推了推她的胳膊, 凑近她的耳边神神秘秘的说道:“佳乙姐,你看外面那个人,长得好像神话集团的具俊表耶。



 她心里微微一颤, 就在前几天, 她出门给店里采购材料, 在回来的路上, 虽然只是匆匆一瞥,她看到了丝草和智厚前辈面对面坐在一家餐厅里,他们虽然没有亲密的举动,但眼角眉梢中隐藏的甜蜜,唯有是恋人中才有的表现。


  秋佳乙顺手拿起放在柜台边的雨伞,推开门走到具俊表面前, “前辈,你找我有什么事吗?”




 郑美英再度好奇的凑到秋佳乙身边, “佳乙姐,这人真是神话集团的具俊表么?”

 秋佳乙低头仔细洗着杯子, “你啊,多干活,少说话。


 “嗳嗳, 姐, 我看了报纸上的报道。

 他的女朋友好像叫金丝草, 嗳, 那个女孩一点也不漂亮,不知道具少爷是看上她哪一点。



















  她看到了, 同样在爱情战场上一败涂地的自己, 她恨自己的懦弱, 更恨这样无能无力的自己。












  雨,依旧断断续续下着,没有半点停歇的意思,这是天与地的羁绊,也许也会化作这两人之间的绊„„„. Chapter3

  从店里出来,开着 MINI COOPER 直奔神话百货,女人发泄压力的方式无外乎大吃大喝或购物消费,经过这几年,她的胃已被苏宅厨艺高超的朴嫂给喂习惯了,人离开了,但胃却留在那里。

 大包小包甩在后座,后视镜里映出一张有尖俏下巴的瓜子脸,烫过的 BOB 头微微卷曲,描绘着精细眼线的眼睛里却没有一丝光彩。











 话音刚落,金丝草的脸探了出来,她开心的将秋佳乙拉进室内, “你很久没来了,今天怎么有空。



 ”秋佳乙搪塞回答道,她瞟了一眼尹智厚,他站在玄关处似乎没有要离开的意思,说起来他们也认识了好几年,但说过的话加起来不超过 20 句,和那位卷卷少爷,更没有交集,她今天居然会为这个与自己八竿子打不着的人来说情,想想都觉得不可思议,但...


E HAPPY PRINCEHigh above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of theHappy Prince.

 He was gilded all over with thin leaves of finegold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red rubyglowed on his sword-hilt.

 He was very much admired indeed.

 "He is as beautiful as aweathercock," remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished togain a reputation for having artistic tastes; "only not quite souseful," he added, fearing lest people should think himunpractical, which he really was not.

 "Why can"t you be like the Happy Prince?" asked a sensible motherof her little boy who was crying for the moon.

 "The Happy Princenever dreams of crying for anything.""I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy,"muttered a disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue.

 "He looks just like an angel," said the Charity Children as theycame out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and theirclean white pinafores.

 "How do you know?" said the Mathematical Master, "you have neverseen one.""Ah! but we have, in our dreams," answered the children; and theMathematical Master frowned and looked very severe, for he did notapprove of children dreaming.

 One night there flew over the city a little Swallow.

 His friendshad gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind,for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed.

 He had met herearly in the spring as he was flying down the river after a bigyellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that hehad stopped to talk to her.

 "Shall I love you?" said the Swallow, who liked to come to thepoint at once, and the Reed made him a low bow.

 So he flew roundand round her, touching the water with his wings, and making silverripples.

 This was his courtship, and it lasted all through thesummer.

 "It is a ridiculous attachment," twittered the other Swallows; "shehas no money, and far too many relations"; and indeed the river wasquite full of Reeds.

 Then, when the autumn came they all flewaway.

 After they had gone he felt lonely, and began to tire of his lady-love.

 "She has no conversation," he said, "and I am afraid thatshe is a coquette, for she is always flirting with the wind."

 Andcertainly, whenever the wind blew, the Reed made the most gracefulcurtseys.

 "I admit that she is domestic," he continued, "but Ilove travelling, and my wife, consequently, should love travellingalso.""Will you come away with me?" he said finally to her; but the Reedshook her head, she was so attached to her home.

 "You have been trifling with me," he cried.

 "I am off to thePyramids.

 Good-bye!" and he flew away.

 All day long he flew, and at night-time he arrived at the city.

 "Where shall I put up?" he said; "I hope the town has madepreparations."Then he saw the statue on the tall column.

 "I will put up there," he cried; "it is a fine position, withplenty of fresh air."

 So he alighted just between the feet of theHappy Prince.

 "I have a golden bedroom," he said softly to himself as he lookedround, and he prepared to go to sleep; but just as he was puttinghis head under his wing a large drop of water fell on him.

 "What acurious thing!" he cried; "there is not a single cloud in the sky,the stars are quite clear and bright, and yet it is raining.

 Theclimate in the north of Europe is really dreadful.

 The Reed usedto like the rain, but that was merely her selfishness."Then another drop fell.

 "What is the use of a statue if it cannot keep the rain off?" hesaid; "I must look for a good chimney-pot," and he determined tofly away.

 But before he had opened his wings, a third drop fell, and helooked up, and saw - Ah! what did he see?

 The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears wererunning down his golden cheeks.

 His face was so beautiful in themoonlight that the little Swallow was filled with pity.

 "Who are you?" he said.

 "I am the Happy Prince.""Why are you weeping then?" asked the Swallow; "you have quitedrenched me.""When I was alive and had a human heart," answered the statue, "Idid not know what tears were, for I lived in the Palace of Sans-Souci, where sorrow is not allowed to enter.

 In the daytime Iplayed with my companions in the garden, and in the evening I ledthe dance in the Great Hall.

 Round the garden ran a very loftywall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everything aboutme was so beautiful.

 My courtiers called me the Happy Prince, andhappy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness.

 So I lived, and so Idied.

 And now that I am dead they have set me up here so high thatI can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city, andthough my heart is made of lead yet I cannot chose but weep.""What! is he not solid gold?" said the Swallow to himself.

 He wastoo polite to make any personal remarks out loud.

 "Far away," continued the statue in a low musical voice, "far awayin a little street there is a poor house.

 One of the windows isopen, and through it I can see a woman

 seated at a table.

 Her faceis thin and worn, and she has coarse, red hands, all pricked by theneedle, for she is a seamstress.

 She is embroidering passion-flowers on a satin gown for the loveliest of the Queen"s maids-of-honour to wear at the next Court-ball.

 In a bed in the corner ofthe room her little boy is lying ill.

 He has a fever, and isasking for oranges.

 His mother has nothing to give him but riverwater, so he is crying.

 Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow, will younot bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt?

 My feet are fastenedto this pedestal and I cannot move.""I am waited for in Egypt," said the Swallow.

 "My friends areflying up and down the Nile, and talking to the large lotus-flowers.

 Soon they will go to sleep in the tomb of the great King.

 The King is there himself in his painted coffin.

 He is wrapped inyellow linen, and embalmed with spices.

 Round his neck is a chainof pale green jade, and his hands are like withered leaves.""Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "will you notstay with me for one night, and be my messenger?

 The boy is sothirsty, and the mother so sad.""I don"t think I like boys," answered the Swallow.

 "Last summer,when I was staying on the river, there were two rude boys, themiller"s sons, who were always throwing stones at me.

 They neverhit me, of course; we swallows fly far too well for that, andbesides, I come of a family famous for its agility; but still, itwas a mark of disrespect."But the Happy Prince looked so sad that the little Swallow wassorry.

 "It is very cold here," he said; "but I will stay with youfor one night, and be your messenger.""Thank you, little Swallow," said the Prince.

 So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince"s sword,and flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town.

 He passed by the cathedral tower, where the white marble angelswere sculptured.

 He passed by the palace and heard the sound ofdancing.

 A beautiful girl came out on the balcony with her lover.

 "How wonderful the stars are," he said to her, "and how wonderfulis the power of love!""I hope my dress will be ready in time for the State-ball," sheanswered; "I have ordered passion-flowers to be embroidered on it;but the seamstresses are so lazy."He passed over the river, and saw the lanterns hanging to the mastsof the ships.

 He passed over the Ghetto, and saw the old Jewsbargaining with each other, and weighing out money in copperscales.

 At last he came to the poor house and looked in.

 The boywas tossing feverishly on his bed, and the mother had fallenasleep, she was so tired.

 In he hopped, and laid the great ruby onthe table beside the woman"s thimble.

 Then he flew gently roundthe bed, fanning the boy"s forehead with his wings.

 "How cool Ifeel," said the boy, "I must be getting better"; and he sank into adelicious slumber.

 Then the Swallow flew back to the Happy Prince, and told him whathe had done.

 "It is curious," he remarked, "but I feel quite warmnow, although it is so cold.""That

 is because you have done a good action," said the Prince.

 And the little Swallow began to think, and then he fell asleep.

 Thinking always made him sleepy.

 When day broke he flew down to the river and had a bath.

 "What aremarkable phenomenon," said the Professor of Ornithology as he waspassing over the bridge.

 "A swallow in winter!"

 And he wrote along letter about it to the local newspaper.

 Every one quoted it,it was full of so many words that they could not understand.

 "To-night I go to Egypt," said the Swallow, and he was in highspirits at the prospect.

 He visited all the public monuments, andsat a long time on top of the church steeple.

 Wherever he went theSparrows chirruped, and said to each other, "What a distinguishedstranger!" so he enjoyed himself very much.

 When the moon rose he flew back to the Happy Prince.

 "Have you anycommissions for Egypt?" he cried; "I am just starting.""Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "will you notstay with me one night longer?""I am waited for in Egypt," answered the Swallow.

 "To-morrow myfriends will fly up to the Second Cataract.

 The river-horsecouches there among the bulrushes, and on a great granite thronesits the God Memnon.

 All night long he watches the stars, and whenthe morning star shines he utters one cry of joy, and then he issilent.

 At noon the yellow lions come down to the water"s edge todrink.

 They have eyes like green beryls, and their roar is louderthan the roar of the cataract.

 "Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "far awayacross the city I see a young man in a garret.

 He is leaning overa desk covered with papers, and in a tumbler by his side there is abunch of withered violets.

 His hair is brown and crisp, and hislips are red as a pomegranate, and he has large and dreamy eyes.

 He is trying to finish a play for the Director of the Theatre, buthe is too cold to write any more.

 There is no fire in the grate,and hunger has made him faint.""I will wait with you one night longer," said the Swallow, whoreally had a good heart.

 "Shall I take him another ruby?""Alas!

 I have no ruby now," said the Prince; "my eyes are all thatI have left.

 They are made of rare sapphires, which were broughtout of...


者简介 《小王子》 圣·埃克苏佩里(1900-1944) 圣·埃克苏佩里有双重身份:飞行员与作家。这两个生涯在他是相辅相成、相映生辉。从《南方邮件》到《小王子》的十六年间,仅出版了六部作品,都以飞机为工具,从宇宙的高度,观察世界,探索人生。这些作品篇幅不多,体裁新颖,主题是:人的伟大在于人的精神,精神的建立在于人的行动。人的不折不挠的意志可以促成自身的奋发有为。在现代文学史,圣·埃克苏佩里被认为是最早关注人类状况的作家之一。

 精彩片段 1. 所有的大人起先都是孩子。

 2. 这些大人们,靠他们自己什么也弄不懂,还得老是不断地给他们作解释。这真叫孩子们腻味。

 3. 这时,小王子郑重其事地说:小王子,小王子“这没有什么关系,我那里很小很小。”接着,他略带伤感地又补充了一句:“一直朝前走,也不会走出多远„„” 4. 但由于他所穿衣服的缘故,那时没有人相信他。那些大人们就是这样。

 5. 这位天文学家穿了一身非常漂亮的服装,重新作了一次论证。这一次所有的人都同意他的看法。


 7.如果你对大人们说:“我看到一幢用玫瑰色的砖盖成的漂亮的房子,它的窗户上有天竺葵,屋顶上还有鸽子„„”他们怎么也想象不出这种房子有多么好。必须对他们说:“我看见了一幢价值十万法郎的房子。”那么他们就惊叫道:“多么漂亮的房子啊!” 8.而一棵猴面包树苗,假如你拔得太迟,就再也无法把它清除掉。

 主题思想 作品通过这个小王子的经历,阐述了对社会上不同类型的大人的看法和批评,提出了一些发人深思的问题。作者特别借小王子之口赞颂了情谊和友爱,希望人们要重视、发展友情,相互关爱。在作者看来,爱就要像小王子住的星球上的火山一样炽热,爱情就要像小王子那样兢兢业业为玫瑰花铲除恶草。








動機、 書籍介紹:

 邱怡綾、 顏綉娟作者介紹:

 陳冠宇、 陳昱志故事大綱:

 陳律嘉、 林昕穎影片:

 姚欣妤、 向于歡、 吳俊毅、 古承翰讀後心得


 林鈺凡、 張雅玲統整:

 林育新報告 :曾翊展、 辛緯薰、 買思恩




 安東尼. 聖艾修伯里原文作者:

 Antoine de Saint-Exupery出版社:

 雅書堂主旨:以豐富的人生體驗為基礎,運用想像力寫成一部溫馨真摯、 感人的寓言故事。

 暢銷上億本、 翻譯超過1 90國語言譽為本世紀除了聖經與回教的可蘭經之外最多人閱讀的書籍紀念聖修伯里50法郎紙幣聖修伯里及小王子印在50元法郎的圖面上被拍成電影和動畫片, 改編成話劇和音樂劇演出

 •1 900年, 生於法國里昂。1 921年, 於空軍服役, 並取得飛行執照。1 935年, 巴黎飛往西貢途中, 不幸墜機於利比亞沙漠, 此經歷成為《小王子》 (1943)

 的故事背景。1 944年7月31日, 聖艾修伯里執行任務失敗, 此後即宣告失蹤。

 當時, 他年僅44歲。其他作品《南方郵遞》 , 一九三○年出版《夜航》 , 一九三一年出版《人的土地》 , 一九三九年出版《戰爭飛行員》 , 一九四二年出版《小王子》 一九四三年於紐約發行《堡壘》 :



 • 國王:

 驕傲自大的井底之蛙• 愛慕虛榮的人:

 自以為是, 看不到自己的缺點• 酒鬼:

 逃避現實• 實業家:

 精打細算• 點燈人:

 老實安分• 地理學家:

 紙上談兵• 狐狸 :朋友。

 表達「愛是一種責任」 的崇高命題

 本書描寫作者因為在撒哈拉沙漠飛機失事引擎內部組件故障,身邊沒有技工或乘客而掉到沙漠上。於是開始展開修機大行動,一天,他在睡夢中聽見有人在叫他, 一個小型的人正經八百的看著他,哦!原來是位小紳士,那位小紳士就是小王子,小王子就這樣誕生了 !作者開始跟小王子交談,也開始認識他!就這樣,他們一起同甘共苦生活,由於小王子是從外太空來的,不知為什麼思想很天真!作者是因墜機事件而掉到沙漠中的,而作著的思想卻很成熟。


 猜猜這什麼 ?它表示一隻蟒蛇正在消化一隻象

 1 .大人跟小孩用不同的觀點看世界大人 - 利益優先小孩 - 純真樸實2.所有大人都是小孩子3.自我意識高自私


 • 文筆簡單真實, 質樸無華• 帶有「超越自我」 、 「堅定毅力」 的概念, 同時並富有「博愛」 的精神• 為親身的經歷

 • 遺忘的純真, 遺忘的天真, 是什麼時候開始變得如此虛偽醜陋, 溫馨、 善良、 真摯的心靈早就變質了, 不再天真無邪, 大人跟小孩是否只有一線之隔?• 還是已經忘記保有童心的方法了, 我也曾經想過永遠不要長大的這種虛幻的夢想, 但最終就是被現實給吞沒, 終究要面對那冷酷無情的現實, 抹滅自己的幻想, 被逼著去做自己不喜歡的事情, 逐漸的迷失自我, 連這是否是自己所期望的都已經不知道了, 但是至少我看了小王子後, 在我心靈的某處, 像是打開了開關般的清醒的過來了, 我……還有希望, 還沒有結束, 我還可以去尋找我遺忘的天真和感動, 以己之色, 建構程序。


E HAPPY PRINCEHigh above the city,

 on a tall column,

 stood the statue of theHappy Prince.

  He was gilded all over with thin leaves of finegold,

 for eyes he had two bright sapphires,

 and a large red rubyglowed on his sword-hilt.He was very much admired indeed.

  "He is as beautiful as aweathercock, " remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished togain a reputation for having artistic tastes;

 "only not quite souseful, " he added,

 fearing lest people should think himunpractical,

 which he really was not."Why can" t you be like the Happy Prince?" asked a sensible motherof her little boy who was crying for the moon.

  "The Happy Princenever dreams of crying for anything. ""I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy, "muttered a disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue."He looks just like an angel, " said the Charity Children as theycame out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and theirclean white pinafores."How do you know?" said the Mathematical Master,

 "you have neverseen one. ""Ah!

 but we have,

 in our dreams, " answered the children;

 and theMathematical Master frowned and looked very severe,

 for he did notapprove of children dreaming.

 One night there flew over the city a little Swallow.

  His friendshad gone away to Egypt six weeks before,

 but he had stayed behind,for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed.

  He had met herearly in the spring as he was flying down the river after a bigyellow moth,

 and had been so attracted by her slender waist that hehad stopped to talk to her."Shall I love you?" said the Swallow,

 who liked to come to thepoint at once,

 and the Reed made him a low bow.

  So he flew roundand round her,

 touching the water with his wings,

 and making silverripples.

  This was his courtship,

 and it lasted all through thesummer."It is a ridiculous attachment, " twittered the other Swallows;

 "shehas no money,

 and far too many relations";

 and indeed the river wasquite full of Reeds.


 when the autumn came they all flewaway.After they had gone he felt lonely,

 and began to tire of his lady-love.

  "She has no conversation, " he said,

 "and I am afraid thatshe is a coquette,

 for she is always flirting with the wind. "


 whenever the wind blew,

 the Reed made the most gracefulcurtseys.

  "I admit that she is domestic, " he continued,

 "but Ilove travelling,

 and my wife,


 should love travellingalso. ""Will you come away with me?" he said finally to her;

 but the Reedshook her head,

 she was so attached to her home."You have been trifling with me, " he cried.

  "I am off to thePyramids.

  Good-bye! " and he flew away.

 All day long he flew,

 and at night-time he arrived at the city."Where shall I put up?" he said;

 "I hope the town has madepreparations. "Then he saw the statue on the tall column."I will put up there, " he cried;

 "it is a fine position,

 withplenty of fresh air. "

 So he alighted just between the feet of theHappy Prince."I have a golden bedroom, " he said softly to himself as he lookedround,

 and he prepared to go to sleep;

 but just as he was puttinghis head under his wing a large drop of water fell on him.

  "What acurious thing! " he cried;

 "there is not a single cloud in the sky,the stars are quite clear and bright,

 and yet it is raining.

  Theclimate in the north of Europe is really dreadful.

  The Reed usedto like the rain,

 but that was merely her selfishness. "Then another drop fell."What is the use of a statue if it cannot keep the rain off?" hesaid;

 "I must look for a good chimney-pot, " and he determined tofly away.But before he had opened his wings,

 a third drop fell,

 and helooked up,

 and saw - Ah!

 what did he see?The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears,

 and tears wererunning down his golden cheeks.

  His face was so beautiful in themoonlight that the little Swallow was filled with pity."Who are you?" he said."I am the Happy Prince. "

 "Why are you weeping then?" asked the Swallow;

 "you have quitedrenched me. ""When I was alive and had a human heart, " answered the statue,

 "Idid not know what tears were,

 for I lived in the Palace of Sans-Souci,

 where sorrow is not allowed to enter.

  In the daytime Iplayed with my companions in the garden,

 and in the evening I ledthe dance in the Great Hall.

  Round the garden ran a very loftywall,

 but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it,

 everything aboutme was so beautiful.

  My courtiers called me the Happy Prince,

 andhappy indeed I was,

 if pleasure be happiness.

  So I lived,

 and so Idied.

  And now that I am dead they have set me up here so high thatI can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city,

 andthough my heart is made of lead yet I cannot chose but weep. ""What!

 is he not solid gold?" said the Swallow to himself.

  He wastoo polite to make any personal remarks out loud."Far away, " continued the statue in a low musical voice,

 "far awayin a little street there is a poor house.

  One of the windows isopen,

 and through it I can see a woman seated at a table.

  Her faceis thin and worn,

 and she has coarse,

 red hands,

 all pricked by theneedle,

 for she is a seamstress.

  She is embroidering passion-flowers on a satin gown for the loveliest of the Queen" s maids-of-honour to wear at the next Court-ball.

  In a bed in the corner ofthe room her little boy is lying ill.

  He has a fever,

 and isasking for oranges.

  His mother has nothing to give him but riverwater,

 so he is crying.



 little Swallow,

 will younot bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt?

 My feet are fastenedto this pedestal and I cannot move. ""I am waited for in Egypt, " said the Swallow.

  "My friends are

 flying up and down the Nile,

 and talking to the large lotus-flowers.

  Soon they will go to sleep in the tomb of the great King.The King is there himself in his painted coffin.

  He is wrapped inyellow linen,

 and embalmed with spices.

  Round his neck is a chainof pale green jade,

 and his hands are like withered leaves. ""Swallow,


 little Swallow, " said the Prince,

 "will you notstay with me for one night,

 and be my messenger?

 The boy is sothirsty,

 and the mother so sad. ""I don" t think I like boys, " answered the Swallow.

  "Last summer,when I was staying on the river,

 there were two rude boys,

 themiller" s sons,

 who were always throwing stones at me.

  They neverhit me,

 of course;

 we swallows fly far too well for that,


 I come of a family famous for its agility;

 but still,

 itwas a mark of disrespect. "But the Happy Prince looked so sad that the little Swallow wassorry.

  "It is very cold here, " he said;

 "but I will stay with youfor one night,

 and be your messenger. ""Thank you,

 little Swallow, " said the Prince.So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince" s sword,and flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town.He passed by the cathedral tower,

 where the white marble angelswere sculptured.

  He passed by the palace and heard the sound ofdancing.

  A beautiful girl came out on the balcony with her lover."How wonderful the stars are, " he said to her,

 "and how wonderfulis the power of love! ""I hope my dress will be ready in time for the State-ball, " sheanswered;

 "I have ordered passion-flowers to be embroidered on it;

 but the seamstresses are so lazy. "He passed over the river,

 and saw the lanterns hanging to the mastsof the ships.

  He passed over the Ghetto,

 and saw the old Jewsbargaining with each other,

 and weighing out money in copperscales.

  At last he came to the poor house and looked in.

  The boywas tossing feverishly on his bed,

 and the mother had fallenasleep,

 she was so tired.

  In he hopped,

 and laid the great ruby onthe table beside the woman" s thimble.

  Then he flew gently roundthe bed,

 fanning the boy" s forehead with his wings.

  "How cool Ifeel, " said the boy,

 "I must be getting better";

 and he sank into adelicious slumber.Then the Swallow flew back to the Happy Prince,

 and told him whathe had done.

  "It is curious, " he remarked,

 "but I feel quite warmnow,

 although it is so cold. ""That is because you have done a good action, " said the Prince.And the little Swallow began to think,

 and then he fell asleep.Thinking always made him sleepy.When day broke he flew down to the river and had a bath.

  "What aremarkable phenomenon, " said the Professor of Ornithology as he waspassing over the bridge.

  "A swallow in winter! "

 And he wrote along letter about it to the local newspaper.

  Every one quoted it,it was full of so many words that they could not understand."To-night I go to Egypt, " said the Swallow,

 and he was in highspirits at the prospect.

  He visited all the public monuments,

 andsat a long time on top of the church steeple.

  Wherever he went theSparrows chirruped,

 and said to each other,

 "What a distinguishedstranger! " so he enjoyed himself very much.

 When the moon rose he flew back to the Happy Prince.

  "Have you anycommissions for Egypt?" he cried;

 "I am just starting. ""Swallow,


 little Swallow, " said the Prince,

 "will you notstay with me one night longer?""I am waited for in Egypt, " answered the Swallow.

  "To-morrow myfriends will fly up to the Second Cataract.

  The river-horsecouches there among the bulrushes,

 and on a great granite thronesits the God Memnon.

  All night long he watches the stars,

 and whenthe morning star shines he utters one cry of joy,

 and then he issilent.

  At noon the yellow lions come down to the water" s edge todrink.

  They have eyes like green beryls,

 and their roar is louderthan the roar of the cataract."Swallow,


 little Swallow, " said the Prince,

 "far awayacross the city I see a young man in a garret.

  He is leaning overa desk covered with papers,

 and in a tumbler by his side there is abunch of withered violets.

  His hair is brown and crisp,

 and hislips are red as a pomegranate,

 and he has large and dreamy eyes.He is trying to finish a play for the Director of the Theatre,

 buthe is too cold to write any more.

  There is no fire in the grate,and hunger has made him faint. ""I will wait with you one night longer, " said the Swallow,




 Winter is almost here. A bird is flying to a warm place far away.

  "Whew! I"m tired," says the bird. "I need to rest for the night." The bird looks for a place to sleep. Down below him, there is a city.

  "Where should I sleep?" thinks the bird.

  The bird sees a statue of a smiling prince.The prince is standing on a tall column.

  "I will sleep on that staue"s foot ," thinks the bird. "It will be safe and clean there." The bird feels happy to find such a nice place to sleep. It looks at the smiling prince.

  "What a pretty statue," it thinks. "The eyes on his face are both jewels. The buttons on his coat are jewels, too. And look at those clothes! They are made of gold!"

  The bird closes its eyes. Just then, a drop of water falls on its head. Then, a second later, another drop falls on its tail.

  "Oh, no. It"s raining," thinks the bird. "I will find a dry place to sleep."

  But it is not raining. The drops of water come from the prince"s eyes. He is crying."Who are you?" asks the bird.

  "I am the Happy Prince," says the statue.

 "Then why are you crying?" asks the bird. "You are making me wet!"

 The prince tells the bird why he"s crying.

  "Before I was a happy prince. My family was rich, and I lived in a big palace. Every day I played with my friends. The palace had a big wall. I never saw the world on the other side of the wall."

  "You were so lucky," says the bird. "I would like to be rich and happy, too." The prince finishes his story.

  "When I died, they put me up here. I can see many bad things. People are not happy. They are poor. Their lives are very hard." The prince tells the bird what he can see.

  "I can see a house on a small street. One of the windows is open. A poor woman is making a nice dress for a rich woman. Her little boy is very sick. He is crying, but there is no money to buy medicine." The prince asks the bird to help him.

  "I am a statue, so I can"t walk. Please take a jewel from my shirt and fly to the house. With the jewel the woman can buy medicine for the boy." The bird wants to help the prince, but it can"t.

  "My friends are waiting for me in a warm place. I must not stay here long," it says.

 The prince looks very sad, so the little bird agrees to help him.

  "It is very cold here, but I will help you tonight," says the bird. The bird takes a jewel from the prince"s coat. It flies over the city to the house. Inside, the woman is asleep. She has worked all day to finish the dress. It puts the jewel on the table. The bird returns to the prince.

  "Strange," it says. "It is so cold, but I feel warm inside."

  "That is because you have done a good thing," says the prince. The next morning, the bird flies to the river. It wants to take a bath. After that it will fly south.

  "Tonight I will leave," thinks the bird. "But before I go, I want to say good-bye to the prince." The bird flies back to the prince. The prince is sad again.

  "Little bird. Can you stay with me one more day?" asks the prince. "I see a poor man. He is sitting all alone in his house. He is writing a play. There is no fire, so he is very cold. Give him one of my jewel eyes. Then he can buy some wood." The bird doesn"t want to take the prince"s eye. It begins to cry.

  "How can I take your eye?" says the bird. "You won"t see well without it."

  "Please do it," says the prince. "I still have one more eye."

  "All right. I will help you one more time," says the bird.

 The bird takes the jewel to the man"s house. It flies into a hole in the roof. Quickly, it puts the jewel on the man"s desk. The man is working and doesn"t see the bird. The bird is ready to fly away again. It goes back to the prince to say good-bye.

  The prince asks the bird to stay a little longer.

  "I need your help again, little bird," says the prince. "A poor girl is selling matches in the square below us. She has no socks or shoes, so her feet are cold. Please take my other eye to her." The bird feels very bad.

  "You won"t see anything without your other eye," says the bird.

  "That is not so important," says the prince. "Please do it." Sadly, the bird takes the jewel to the girl. It puts it into her hand. She is very happy to see it. The bird once again returns to the prince.

  "You can"t see anything now, so I will stay with you forever," says the bird.

  "You can"t do that. It is too cold for you to live here," says the prince.

  "I really can"t go," says the bird. So the bird helps the prince. It flies over the city and looks for poor people. Many people are cold and hungry. It gives them each a leaf of gold from the prince"s clothes. This makes the poor men and women

 happy. The poor children laugh and play in the street. Now they will have coats to wear. Now they will have bread to eat.

 Soon, all of the prince"s clothes are gone. He is just a gray, metal statue. The weather is getting colder. Snow begins to fall. All the people in the city have a coat to wear, even the poor people. The bird is very cold. It has no coat. It knows that it will die soon. It flies up to the prince to say good-bye for the last time.

  "Good-bye, dear prince," says the bird. "I"m happy you don"t need a coat it is very cold."

  "You really should fly away now, little bird," says the prince." If you don"t, you will get sick."

  The bird kisses the prince on his hand and falls down dead. A loud sound comes from inside the statue. The prince"s heart is broken.

 The next morning, the mayor of the city is walking near the statue. He looks up at it. "Oh, my!" says the mayor. "Our prince doesn"t look so beautiful anymore. He looks like a beggar."So the statue of the prince is pulled down.

  "Beautiful statues are not useful statues," says the mayor.

  The statue is melted down. What will the people do with the metal?

  "I think a new statue should be made of myself," says the mayor. There is one problem. The broken heart of the statue will not melt. Someone throws it into the garbage can. Inside the garbage can, the heart

 and the dead bird lie together.

  In Heaven, God is talking to his angels.

  "Bring me the heart and the bird," says God. "In Heaven the bird will sing its songs and the prince will live in my city of gold forever." 冬天快到了。有一只小鸟正准备飞往远方一个温暖的地方。

  小鸟说:“咻!我好累喔,今天晚上我需要休息一下。” 小鸟想要寻找一个睡觉的地方。有一个城市正好在它底下。

  小鸟心想:“我应该在哪儿睡觉好呢?" 这时小鸟看见一座雕像,那是一位面带微笑的王子。这位王子矗立在一座高高的石柱上。

  “我要睡在那座雕像的脚下,”小鸟心想。“睡在那儿一定又安全又干净。” 能找到这一个不错的地方睡觉,小鸟感到很高兴。它看了一下这位微笑的王子。

  “这座雕像真漂亮,”它心里在想。“他脸上那对眼睛都是宝石做的。他外套上面的钮扣也全都是宝石。再看看他身上穿的那些衣服!都是黄金打造的耶!” 小鸟闭上眼睛一会儿。就在这个时候,一滴水珠掉在它头上。接着马上又有一滴水落在它的尾巴上。

  “啊,糟了,下雨了,”小鸟心想。“我得找个干燥的地方睡觉才行。” 可是并没有在下雨。那些水滴是从王子的眼睛掉下来的。他在哭泣。小鸟问他说:“你是谁啊?”


  小鸟又问说:“那你在哭什么呢?你害我身体都湿了!” 于是王子就把他哭泣的原因告诉小鸟。


  “你好幸运喔,”小鸟说着。“我也很想又有钱又快乐。” 王子把他的故事讲完。





  “我是一座雕像,无法走路。所以请你从我的衬衫摘下一颗宝石,飞送到那户人家。有了这颗宝石,那个妇人就可以买药给她的孩子吃了。” 小鸟想帮王子的忙,可是觉得有困难。

  小鸟说:“我的朋友正在一个温暖的地方等我。我不能在这里停留太久。” 王子看起来很悲伤,于是小鸟便答应帮忙。

  小鸟说:“现在这里已经很冷了,不过今晚我一定要帮你。” 小鸟从王子的外套摘下一颗宝石。






  王子说:“这都是因为你做了一件善事。” 隔天早上,小鸟飞到河边。它想洗个澡,然后就要飞往南方。

  “今晚我就要离开了,”小鸟心里想。“不过离开前,我要去跟王子道别。” 小鸟飞回到王子身边。王子又悲伤起来。

  “小鸟,你可不可以多陪我一天呢?”王子问道。“我看见一个穷光蛋。他孤单地坐在家中, 正在写一个剧本。

 他没有炉火取暖, 所以他一定很冷。

 摘下我眼中的一颗宝石送给他吧。这么一来他就可以买些木头了。” 小鸟并不想摘下王子的眼珠,于是哭了起来。



  小鸟说:“好吧,我再帮你一次。” 于是小鸟就把这颗宝石送到这个人的家。





  王子说:“小鸟,我又要麻烦你了。有个可怜的小女孩正在我们下面的广场卖火柴。她没有袜子或鞋子可穿,所以她的脚一定很冷。摘下我的另一颗眼珠送她吧。” 小鸟感到好难过。


  王子说:“这不重要,拜托你了。” 小鸟很伤心地把这颗宝石带去给那个女孩。







  就这样,小鸟帮着王子。它飞越这座城市的上空寻找穷苦的人家。很多人又冷又饿。小鸟就送给他们从王子衣服取下来的金叶片, 让这些穷困人家很快乐。






推荐访问:公子与王子的睡前故事 睡前 公子 王子


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