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来源:网友投稿 时间:2022-08-06




 我曾离婚姻殿堂只有一步之遥 I almost got married once. 温特沃斯占据了我的心 Wentworth held my heart. 但他只是一个水手 没财没势 But he was a sailor without rank or fortune. 在大家的劝导下 我放弃了他 And I was persuaded to give him up. (改编自简奥斯汀的小说)

 现在我单身了 活得多姿多彩 Now I"m single and thriving. 我花时间品尝美酒 I spend my time drinking fine wines, 沉浸在温水浴中 enjoying warm baths 趴在床上睡觉 and lying face down on my bed. 正如我所说 真是多姿多彩 Like I said, thriving. 有了家人的陪伴 Who needs romance 浪漫还有什么用? when one has

 family? (凯林奇府)

 我的父亲 My father. 每一次照镜子 他都会陷入自恋之中 He"s never met a reflective surface he didn"t like. 从头到脚 虚荣是唯一能形容他性格的词 Vanity is the beginning and end of his character. 贯穿他全身 Also the middle. “沃尔特艾略特爵士 "Sir Walter Elliot, 生于 1760 年 3 月 1 日” born March 1st, 1760." “他拥有举足轻重的地位 "Man of consequence, 以精致的下颌线闻名” known for his exquisite jawline." 他最热忱的尊重和爱戴

 He is the sole object of his own warmest respect and devotion. 都全部献给了自己 一个人想要逃离家庭 只有通过两种方式 One"s family is only escapable by two things, 婚姻和死亡 marriage and death. 在短期内 这两种选择都似乎不太可行 Both seem unlikely in the immediate future. “在 1784 年 7 月 15 日与简结婚” "Married July 15th, 1784, to Jane." 那是我母亲 My mother. 我很想念她 I miss her. -"Jane died in 1801." “简于 1801 年逝世” “沃尔特爵士与她 共同抚育了三个孩子” "By her, Sir Walter issued three children." 我的姐♥妹♥们♥ My sisters. “伊莉莎白如花似玉 "Elizabeth, celebrated beauty 是萨默塞特的时尚专家” and Somerset"s most fashion-forward luminary." 伊丽莎白是长女 Elizabeth, the eldest. “玛丽嫁给了查尔斯马斯格罗夫 "Mary, married to Charles Musgrove, 宏伟豪华的艾柏克罗斯庄园由他继承 heir to the superior Uppercross estate." 玛丽是最小的妹妹 Mary, the youngest. “还有安妮 生于 1787 年 8 月 9 日” "And Anne, born August 9th, 1787." 我排行老二 And me, middle child, 是他镜子里的裂痕 the crack in his looking glass. 真可惜 我们想不到你有什么优点 Shame there wasn"t anything nice we could think to add about you, Anne. -谢谢 你们尽力了 -不客气 Thanks for trying.

 我本想把你排除在外 但别人可能会以为你死了 You"re welcome. I wanted to leave you out entirely, but Daddy thought people might think you had died. -追债员 -爸爸 Debt collectors. -Daddy. Daddy! 爸爸 比起他自己 我父亲唯一爱得更多的就是花钱 The one thing my father loves more than himself is spending money. 钱总有一天会花光的 It was always going to run out one day. -爸爸

 -你♥爸♥爸破产了 公主 Daddy

 -Daddy"s broke, princess. 游戏时间到此为止 Playtime"s over. Oh! 好了 沃尔特爵士 There, there, Sir Walter. 很多人在人生的某个节点 都会遇到债务问题 Lots of people face debt at some point in their lives. 你必须削减开支 You must retrench. 你别无选择 You have no choice. 我制定了一项有力的经济计划 划出了最为必要的缩减项目 I"ve drawn up a vigorous plan of economy. The most necessary reductions are underlined. 见见我母亲最好的朋友 她会最坚定无畏地道出真理 Meet my mother"s best friend and unflinching speaker of truth. 罗素夫人担起了我妈妈的责任 事无巨细给我出谋划策 Lady Russell took it on herself to give me advice on every topic as she felt my mother would have. 她总是英明有远见 让我获益匪浅 Always insightful and helpful. 除了一个明显的例外 With one

 notable exception. 有些人无家可归 食不果腹 Some people don"t have homes or food. Try to put this into perspective. 你要试着从这个角度考虑问题 薛波先生 Mr. Shepherd, 先生 如果我有兴趣考虑穷♥人♥的境况 以获得新的角度

 if I was interested in gaining perspective by thinking of the poor, 那我倒要问问你的理发师如何收费 I"d ask you the rate charged by your barber. 别让我通过换个视角看问题 改变我的生活方式 Don"t ask me to change things by seeing them differently. 要以我的方式看问题 然后做出改变 直到情况有所不同 See things my way, then change them until they are different. 也许我们只需要停止给慈善机构捐款 Perhaps we need only stop giving to charities. 我们会捐款吗? Do we do that? 简会感到羞耻的 Jane would be ashamed. 她求我保护她的女儿 She begged me to protect her daughters from their father"s excessive excesses 不要因为她们的父亲挥霍无度 而受到伤害 但我失败了 and I have failed. 你的傲慢会让她们破产 Your arrogance will bankrupt them all. 父亲 Father, 真正的声誉 true reputation comes 源于诚实、正直和同情心 from honesty, integrity, compassion, 为他人的福祉承担起责任 acceptance of responsibility for the welfare of others. 安妮 我们说的事情非同小可 Anne, we"re speaking of something substantial. 你别跑题了 Try to keep up. 要不搬到一个小一点 便宜一点的地方住吧? Why not downsize and move somewhere cheaper? 巴斯是个很不错的地方 Bath is lovely. 那里的浴场有神奇的功效 可以滋养你们的肌肤 And the spas there will work wonders for your skin. 那凯林奇府怎么办? And what of Kellynch Hall? 前几天我遇见了一位富有的海军军官

 Just the other day I met a wealthy naval officer 他愿意付一笔可观的租金 租下像凯林奇府这样的房♥子 who would pay a handsome rent for a house like Kellynch. 我绝不会让海员住在我的房♥子里 I will not have a Navy man in my house. -他们都很丑 -克罗夫特上将挺帅的 They"re all ugly. -Admiral Croft is quite handsome. 上将?英国海军有什么权利 Admiral? What right has the British Navy 赋予出身贫贱的人这般过分的荣誉? to bring persons of obscure birth into undue distinction? 只有上帝才有资格授予头衔 Only God has the right to bestow rank. 要是必须通过努力获取 那头衔还有什么用处? What good is a title if you have to earn it? 要是必须通过努力获取 那任何事物都没有用处了 What good is anything if you have to earn it? 克罗夫特上将是位高尚的绅士 Admiral Croft is a fine gentleman. 他的妻子告诉我他有个兄弟 几年前跟我们有交集 His wife told me about a brother who lived among us a few years back. 他也是海军军官 He was also a naval officer. 叫什么名字来着?惠灵顿? What was his name? Uh, Wellington? 威瑟斯?温斯洛? Weathers? Winslow? 你是说温特沃斯吗? You mean Wentworth? -温特沃斯?是的 -安妮 亲爱的 Wentworth? Yes. -Anne, darling. 说实话 我对你们说的这个人 没什么印象了 In truth, I can hardly remember who you are speaking of. 你真的觉得巴斯 会让我的皮肤变好吗? You really think my skin will do well in Bath? 噢 是的 Oh, yes. 是的 Yes. 亲爱的 已经过去七年了 Sweetheart

 it"s been seven years.

 八年 Eight. 你不可能还有感觉 You couldn"t possibly still feel-- 我有 I do. 除了你和我妈妈之外 Frederick Wentworth was the only person, 弗雷德里克温特沃斯 是唯一懂得我的人 save you and my mother, who ever really saw me. 他能理解我 And understood me. 也爱我 And loved me. -也只有他让我真的想要

 -交换名片? Aw. And the only one I wanted to-- Exchange calling cards with? 说得好 Well put. 你告诉我说时间会治愈我的伤痛 那是骗人的 You lied when you told me time would heal me of my pain. 你在生我的气 You"re angry with me. -I"m angry with myself. 我是在生自己的气 因为我听从了劝导 For

 being persuaded. 我当时不像现在一样 能把问题看得那么透彻 For not seeing then what I see so clearly now. 比起放弃他 我要是坚持跟他在一起 That I would have been a far happier woman in keeping him 现在会快乐得多 than I have been in giving him up. Hmm. 很遗憾 现实中 婚姻对女人来说是一场交易 I"m sorry. The truth is, marriage is transactional for women. 攸关我们最基本的安全 Our basic security is on the line. 我不能让你因为一个没财没势的男人 荒废了自己的人生 I could not let you throw yourself away on a man with no rank,

 他一无所有 唯有毛遂自荐 fortune, nothing but himself to recommend him. 那正是我喜欢的 That was the part I liked. 再说了 他有理由这么自信 他现在也很富有 Besides, all of his confidence was justified. He is rich now. 也成了舰长 And a captain. 那他为什么没有给你写信? Then, why haven"t you heard from him? 因为 Because 我让他心碎了 I broke his heart. 他也知道为什么 And he knew why. 我以为我当时是保护你 我错了 I thought I was protecting you. I was wrong. 我现在明白了 I see that now. 我很抱歉 And I"m sorry. 你会找到你的真命天子 You will find the one that"s meant for you. 一个爱你足够多的人会为你而战 The one who loves you enough to fight for you. 亲爱的 你有那么强烈的感觉 让我感到钦佩 Darling, I admire how strongly you feel about it, 但你总得向前走 but at some point, you have to move on. 恐怕温特沃斯 是一艘已经出海远行的船 I fear Wentworth is a ship that has sailed, 所以听我一声满怀爱意的忠告吧:

 放弃所有的希望 so I say this with love. Abandon all hope. 没错 他没给我写过信 It"s true, he hasn"t written to me. 但我知道他不会给我写 But

 I knew he wouldn"t. 他自尊心太强了 不会苦苦哀求

 He respects himself too much to beg. 他没有为我而战 He didn"t fight for me because 因为他永远都无法珍视 要为之付出代价的爱情 he could never value a love that wasn"t offered freely. 我相信他已经把这一切都放下了 I"m sure he"s put it all behind him. 而另一方面 I, on the other hand, 我痛苦地将这一切留在了我的面前 have kept it painfully in front of me. 他在教堂里传给我的第一张纸条 The first note he passed me in church. 他给我制♥作♥的播放清单 The playlist he made me. (情歌♥)

 他的一束头发 One lock of hair from him. 还有他的马桑普森的一束鬃毛 但我跟他的马不熟 And one from his horse, Sampson, whom I scarcely knew. 还有这个牛铃 And this cow bell, 铃♥声♥悲伤 奏出空虚的哀乐 能最准确地表达我的忧郁 whose sad, empty knell best captures my melancholy. 八年了 Eight years of it. 他周游列国 He"s been all over. 得到了海军的爱戴 And the Navy adores him. “弗雷德里克温特沃斯 在拉科尼亚号♥上赚了一大笔钱” "Frederick Wentworth turns a pretty penny aboard the Laconia." “弗雷德里克温特沃斯 拯救了一只搁浅的鲸鱼 "Frederick Wentworth rescues a beached whale 围观者在一旁啜泣” as onlookers weep." 而且至今还没有宣布结婚 And yet

 no marriage announcement. 完全没有迹象表明 Nothing at all to indicate 他之后跟别人发生过恋情

 he"s since been in any way attached to another. 换句话说 In other words 希望永不止息 hope springs eternal. 我们要搬家了 我需要考虑一下我到巴斯的人格面具 As we"re moving, I need to think about my Bath persona. 我觉得巴斯的伊丽莎白 应该比伦敦的伊莉莎白少几分老练 I think Bath Elizabeth should be less sophisticated than London Elizabeth, 但不能像乡村的伊莉莎白 那么自♥由♥奔放 but not as free-spirited as country Elizabeth. 佩内洛普 你觉得呢? Penelope, what do you think? 你会陪着艾略特一家到北部吗? You"ll accompany the Ell...

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