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  镖客 生命毫无价值 哪里死亡就有它的报酬 这就是为何 赏金杀手会出现 请出示车票 Tickets, please. 谢谢 查票 Thank you. Tickets. 去图克姆卡里远吗? Is it far to Tucumcari? 三四分钟内就能到 We should pass there in about three or four minutes. 谢谢 Thanks. 对不起 你弄错了 牧师 Excuse me, but you"ve made a mistake, reverend. 我侧耳听到你说要去图克姆卡里 I couldn"t help hearing you"re going to Tucumcari. 我在这一带卖♥♥货 I peddle goods around here 我想你搭错车了 and I better tell you you"re on the wrong train. 到图克姆卡里最近的站是阿马里洛 I think the nearest stop to Tucumcari is Amarillo. 离开圣菲沿阿马里洛返回…… By getting off at Sante Fe and returning by way of Amarillo... 你就可以到目的地了 you should be able to get right where... you"re going. 列车在图克姆卡里不会停 You see, the train doesn"t stop at Tucumcari. 这列火车会在图克姆卡里停的 This train"ll stop at Tucumcari. 大家不用担心!

 Take it easy, everybody! 为什么停 出事了吗? Why"d you stop? something gone wrong? 有人拉了警铃 Somebody pulled the emergency cord. 喂 先生 你不能拉了警铃后跳下去 Hey, mister, you just can"t pull the emergency cord and jump off.

 你为什么让车停下? 如果你想下车 你—— Why"d you stop that train? If you want to get off, you-- 铁路组会…… Well, the railroad company 愉快安排…… would be mighty pleased to make any arrangements... 让每位乘客下车 如果他想下的话 先生 for any passenger if you want to get off here, sir. 我已经下来了 谢谢 I did get off. thanks. 好吧 出发!

 All right, let"s go!


 go ahead! 那人路过时 自己在上面加了两个零 Guy passed by here in person and added on those two zeros. 他见到赏金数目时大吐口水 He was spittin" mad when he saw what they was offerin".

 很不高兴 he wasn"t flattered. 他说 “一千美元对我来说太少了,” He said, "a measly thousand bucks for me is much too little. “我不止值这些。” I"m worth a lot more than that." 他说完后又在后面加了两个零, He said that, and then he added the zeros on the thousand. 没人敢挑战那个杀手 是吧 ? There isn"t anyone got the guts to face that killer, eh? 至少…… At least... 目前为止是这样 it"s been that way till now. 他在什么地方? Where is he? 我不知道他今天在哪儿 I have no idea where he"d be today. 等一下 - 但是—— Hold still. - But guy... 我说等一下 - 你的手弄疼我了 Hold still, I said. - You hurt me with those hands of yours. - 那就按我说的做 - 住手!


 - Then do as I tell ya. - Stop it! 你弄掉我的肥皂了 Now see, you"ve made me drop the soap. 等等 我给你捡肥皂 - 要被你折腾死了 - Wait, I"ll get it for ya. - You"re killing me. 看 那是什么? Oh, look. What"s that? 对不起 女士 Pardon me, ma"am. 我会为此杀了你的 I"ll kill you for this. 给你 一千美元 There you are. A thousand dollars. 关于卡瓦纳 你知道些什么? What do you know about Cavanagh? 大约一周前 有人在白石见过他 About a week ago he was seen at White Rocks. 谢谢 Thanks. 如果你对他有兴趣的话…… If it"s of any interest to ya... 还有其他人为他来找过我 somebody else dropped in to see me about him. 谁?我以前没见过他 Who? I"d never seen him before. 他叫蒙科 His name is Monco. 有火吗? Light? 你认识“红仔卡瓦纳”吗? You know Baby Cavanagh? 告诉我 他在什么地方? Now tell me, you know where I can find him? 就在那儿 那张桌子 There, at that table. 他背对着你 He"s got his back to ya. 谢谢 Thanks. 两张牌 Two cards.

 还没说赌注是什么 Didn"t hear what the bet was. 你的命 Your life. 死还是活 你自己选 Alive or dead - it"s your choice. 放开他 Let Red go. 两千美元 钱真不少 Two thousand dollars. It"s a lot of money. 我要三年才能挣到 Takes me three years to earn it. 告诉我 警长是不是应该勇敢、忠诚…… Tell me, isn"t a sheriff supposed to be courageous, loyal... 最重要的 得诚实 ? and above all, honest? 对 确该如此 Yeah, that he is. 我想你们需要一个新警长 I think you people need a new sheriff. 胡伊 Hughie. 你好吗 尼诺? How are you, Nino? 见到你就好一些了 Better when I see you. 下去 继续走 Go on. Go ahead. 打开 Open it. 怎么了? 是谁? - 罗德里格斯 先生 - What"s up? Who is it? - Rodriguez, senor. 你 过来 You. Come along. 我打算让你活下去 “英雄” I"m letting you live, hero. 这样你就可以告诉所有人这儿发生的一切 That"s so you can tell everybody you"ve seen what takes place here. 为了臭钱 For the lousy money, 为了钱 你把我送进监狱

 you took money to put me behind bars. 你应该把握机会杀了我的 You should"ve killed me when you could. 这样对你好些 It would be better for you. 这孩子多大了? How old"s the boy? 我问这孩子多大了? How old is the boy, I asked? 18 个月 He"s 18 months now. 刚好与我蹲牢的时间一样 Just the time that I was in jail. 你靠得到的赏金…… You used the reward that you got... 养活了一家人 to start raising a family. 这是为什么我觉得 你们家有我一份 And that"s why I feel your family is partly mine. 现在我要拿回我的那份 I"ll take my part now. 他们都是无辜的 They"re both innocent.

 求你放他们走吧 please let them go! 我才是你要找的 这你清楚 I was the one. you know that. 我明白 I know.


 I"m sure you hate me just enough. 这次给你一个机会开枪打我 但不是从背后 This time you"ll have a chance to shoot me, but not in the back. 开始吧 Let go. 音乐一停就开始 When you hear the music finish, begin. 或者你想什么时候开始就开始 Or do you think you can? 开始吧 Let"s start.

 快给我点上 Now. 再查一下数目 - 是 先生 - Check those figures again. - Yes, sir. 你好 先生 下午好 Good day, sir. Good afternoon. 莫蒂默 Mortimer. 道格拉斯·莫蒂默 - 莫蒂默 弗吉尼亚人 对吧? Douglas Mortimer. - Mortimer. virginia, isn"t it? 卡罗莱那人 -对 是卡罗莱那人 - Carolina. - That"s right, Carolina. 我能帮上什么忙吗? Can I help in some way? 我正在找一家一流银行 - 我们就是 - I"m looking for a first-class bank. - Oh, but exactly. 我们是这地区最大最安全的银行 The largest and most secure bank in the territory. 莫蒂默先生 Well, Mr. Mortimer 我可以向你保证我们的银行……设施俱全 I want to assure you our bank here...has everything 拥有所有你想得到的安全措施 all the safeguards you"re looking for. 我不怀疑这点 但我要存一大笔钱 I don"t doubt that, but I have a large sum to deposit. 现在 假设我是一个劫匪 Now, suppose I"m a bandit. 一个非常危险的劫匪 带着一帮杀手 A very dangerous bandit with a gang of killers. 我最有可能抢哪家银行? What would be the most impossible bank for me to rob? 这样的话 我建议你去艾尔帕索银行 In your case, the one bank I would suggest is the bank of El Paso. 印第奥也不敢去抢那家 Not even Indio would dare to attack that one. 那不算银行 简直是个堡垒 It"s not a bank. It"s a fortress there. 去艾尔帕索的下列火车是几点? -11:30 What time"s the next train for El Paso? -11:30. 我会发电报给艾尔帕索银行的同行

  I"ll telegraph to my colleague in the bank of El Paso

 通知他们你要前往 that you"re going to arrive. 谢谢 Thanks. 嗨 先生 上尉 将军 欢迎 Hey, Mister, Captain, General, welcome. 你需要马棚还是房♥间? Do you need a stable or a room?

 想洗个澡吗? Do you want to take a bath? 我叫费尔南多 My name is Fernando.

 马棚就在这儿 那是你的旅馆 The stable is right here. And that is your hotel. 为什么不另找一家旅馆? Why this hotel and not some other? 其它旅馆你可能更不喜欢 先生 You probably wouldn"t like that other place as much, senor. 你得花半个晚上打蟑螂 You"d have to spend half the night shootin" cockroaches. 这家旅馆的房♥间非常低廉 At this hotel, the rooms will cost you so much less. 而且房♥东是女的 先生 And there"s a landlady at this one, senor. 已婚? -是的 但她不在乎 - Married? - Yes, but she doesn"t care. 那是银行 我一有钱就会存进去 That"s the bank. As soon as I get some money, I"ll put it in. 你得先赚钱再说 Well, you"re gonna have to earn it first. 我给你 50 美分 如果你告诉我…… I have 50 cents here for you if you"ll let me know... 有哪个你在艾尔帕索从未见过的人来到镇上 When anybody you"ve never seen before here in El Paso comes to town. 就在旅馆 先生 有一个生人刚出来 At the hotel, senor. a stranger just came outta there. 他住在哪儿? Where"s he staying? 再见到生人就来告诉我 Let me know if you see any more strangers.

 好的 先生 Sure, senor. 需要帮忙吗 先生? Help you, sir?


 I want the room right above. 对不起 客满了 太糟糕了 I"m sorry, it"s occupied. It"s too bad. 旅馆客满了 对不起 The hotel"s filled to capacity. I"m sorry. 你想要的房♥间肯定是我们最好的 但那里面一直有人住 The room you want is our best. It"s always occupied. 谁住着? By who? 查一下登记 Check the register. 玛丽!

 Mary! 是马丁内斯先生 It"s senor Martinez. 现在没人了 - 但房♥间已经住人了!

 - It"s free now. - That room is taken! 你放心吧 I"ll see to it. 他不过是个野蛮凶残的野兽!

 He"s nothing but a wild, vicious animal! 但他个子很高 对不对? He"s tall, isn"t he? 你真下流!

 You"re just dirty! 老板 快点!


 Proprietor, quick! My bill! 我要结账!

 I want my bill! 在那人下来前把账算好 Before he comes down, give me my bill. 无须过目 There"s no need to check out. 没问题 Everything"s gonna be all right. 我马上另外给你开一个房♥间

  I"ll give you another room immediately. 而且是全旅馆最好的房♥间 It"s the best in the whole hotel.

 我们让你住结婚套间 We"ll let him have the bridal suite. 不 玛丽 结账 我想留下但我不能 No, Mary, the bill. I"d like to stay, only I can"t. -不要走 马丁内斯先生 -我另外有约 - Don"t go, Mr. Martinez. - I have an appointment elsewhere. 好吧 先生 你想怎样? Yes, senor, what do you want? 我不♥穿♥ I don"t wear "em. 很荣幸你考虑到我 谢谢 I"m honored that you thought of me. Thank you. 瞧 Watch this. 嗨 朋友们 Hello, my friends. 你好 印第奥 Hello, Indio. 路上一分钟也没浪费 You see, I didn"t waste a minute coming here. 印第奥一声招呼 葛洛基就马上跑过来 Indio calls and Groggy comes running right away. 桑乔呢? And Sancho? 如果你要等桑乔 我就回去等个四年再来 If you"re waiting for Sancho, I"ll go and come back in about four years. 他被判刑四年 He"s in prison for four years. 他真不走运 但对我们来说还不算太坏 Bad for him. Not so bad for the rest of us. 毕竟一个被逮的人是不值得尊敬的 对吗? A man who gets caught doesn"t deserve respect, huh? 怎么了? What"s it all about, huh? 听着 Now just listen. 在艾尔帕索有家银行 A bank at El Paso.

 假设 Let"s see. 这儿是银行内部 We"ll say this is the inside of the bank.

 尼诺是保险箱 Nino is the safe... 重三吨♥ 用炸♥药♥也炸不开 which weighs three tons and can"t be opened with dynamite. 还有两个出纳员 There"s the part with two cashiers. 这是经理的办公桌 This is the manager"s desk. 后面是漂亮的酒柜…… Right in back is a fancy cabinet con...

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